What Would You Do?


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Here's the deal, sorry if it's a long read:

I took my tank to an LFS to have them drill it. Now the owner of this LFS has two stores, and I have been a very loyal customer at both stores for almost a year and a half. I've purchased almost all of my equipment and livestock from them, everything for initial setup and continued upkeep. We all know how much that can add up to, easily thousands of dollars for just a couple of nanos.

They told me that it would be a week or two. It would need to be picked up and taken to the guy who drills all their tanks and then brought back, say Thursday to Thursday turnaround. Sounded reasonable to me.

I waited a week and called, still not picked up. I waited two weeks and called, picked up and the guy still had it at his workshop. Okay, call me when it's ready. A month goes by, finally the owner calls me to tell me that he was sorry for the delay but he had to go out of town for some family business. I tell him that I know how it goes, and he tells me that he will have it back to me by the end of the week. Two more weeks go by and nothing. I call and they say that it isn't back yet, but it should be back in their next delivery. We are going on two months now.

I wait a week and go into the shop. It isn't there. I talk to the guys who work there; and they tell me that it was drilled the day after the owner dropped it off, and he has been waiting for the owner to pick it back up. I'm a bit PO'd to hear this. That was two weeks before the owner called me to apologize for not having it ready, and we discussed drilling and bulkhead options like it hadn't been drilled yet.

So a week later I get a call from the store manager to tell me that it will definitely be there by the end of the week. I'm cool with that. Then on the day that I'm supposed to go pick it up, he calls me back to tell me that it isn't there. The owner didn't bother to deliver it. We are at two and a half months at that point.

Another week has gone by and no word on the tank. After the first month, I was like "Uh...any time now". After the second month, I was like "Jeez! Come on already." Approaching the third month, I'm seriously into WTF? territory here.

I'm really tempted to just walk into the store and tell them that my current tank busted and they better hook me up with an AGA 65 RR right now, and they can keep my tank. I have $169 in my tank, and they sell 65RR for $179.

Or I'd like to walk in there and tell them to order me an 70G Oceanic Tech Tank at cost <u>minus</u> the cost of my tank that they can keep and resell.

I have been told that my tank is drilled and in good condition, so they can't claim that it was broken during the drilling. They don't offer any guarantee against breakage.

At the moment, I feel like a very loyal customer who has not been any trouble ever and has dropped a sizeable chunk of change into their till for quite some time that they can't be bothered with. I'm not really into pestering and demanding, and I don't think that I should have to resort to that to get something done for me. But I'm on the fence in terms of continuing to be a customer there.

What would you see as a reasonable solution to this? What would be a fair gesture on their part to show that they value my business?
If it were me, I would write the store a certified letter (for legal reasons) and tell them that they have two options to comply with in the next 24 hours:

1) wither have your drilled tank delivered to you or

2) have the exact same type of tank that you gave them ready for you in the next 25 hours.

If they say they can not get the exact same type of tank for you, then they have to offer you a replacement tank that they do have in stock that is the closest thing to the tank that you dropped of to them.

If they decided to fight that further or refuse to work with you, take them to small claims court over it. If what you are saying is true, a judge will most likely make them give you one of the two above things plus money for the inconvience of what you ahve been through or make them give you cash outright.
I would expect them to give you your tank back ASAP an not charge you for the drilling. That is ridiculous.
I would try to avoid the small claims court deal... If you've never been through it, it can be a tad arduous, and they can't really make the at fault party pay up; that requires yet another round of legal proceedings.
You can tell them your going to post their name on this and other sites.
I whole-heartedly agree with both Brandon and Darren. That's a little ridiculous
If anything you have been too patient with them. Although there doesn't seem to be anything fraudulent going on, the length of that delay is just unacceptable. I think you should talk to the owner directly again, if he's not there have them call him for you. He's the only one that can get things done it seems. At this point you've earned the right to be as pissy as you want to be... I know I'd be throwing a tantrum... If you're forced to go the small claims court route send me a PM, I can guide you through it to some degree.
Small claims will usually end up costing more than you can recoup - in other words, it ain't worth it for a $170 tank. I agree that you need to communicate with the owner directly and record your conversation in a note. I would express my frustration with the situation and how you have been a very good customer. Asking for the tank back and having them waive the drilling fee is really the least they could do. In any case, there are enough stores in town that you should never give them another penny of your business.
you have been very patient...at this point i would have also gone into WTF mode and thats hard for me to do.....

Things is, you have to look at the situation and decide what you want for yourself: if you want to switch LFS then get your tank and never shop there again and make absolute sure that they do not charge you for the drilling because three months is ridiculous. threaten them with spreading the word about how badly they handled your customer service issues after being loyal to them for so long and then threaten them with small claims (but dont actually go through with it for reasons already stated above). The threat however can push some buttons especially if the letter comes from a lawyer you know....lawyer paper speaks.

Now, if you like this LFS and this is really the only screw up they have ever had and you want to keep shopping there....then you need to talk with the owner and ask him nicely, "wtf?" As a store owner, what I would do is be sure that my customer stays satisfied. They should have offered you something a long time ago (20% off corals, fish, free frag, whatever but just anything to show they f'ed up). Since they are yet to do that, the owner better either:
a) have a **** good reason or
b) be super apologetic, at which point if he is smart he should offer to comp the drilling charges or give you at the very least store credit for the same amount.

If you are nice about it and they still dont treat you right......I would revert to the first option and take your business somewhere else.

At the bar minimum, you deserve a VERY good explanation of why this is happening....that would make your decision a whole lot easier, but i doubt highly that I would leave there without at least some sort of discount.
I agree with the cert. letter. Always get it in writing and I would expect no charge for the drilling (written down in the letter of course).

No LFS should ever treat a customer this way and from what you are telling us, you have been more than accomidating. I would be scared to shop from a place that does this to a customer.

Please keep us up to date on this issue.
JustOneMoreTank;39878 wrote: Wow. 2.5 months and counting??? Unbelievable.

Like posted above, find out where it is and go pick it up. Tell the Store owner that your going to do this and he needs to make sure the person knows that you should not be charged. If he hesitates even slightly then come back here and post the store name, so everyone will know not to shop there again.
Many thanks for the input so far everyone.

Nice to hear that I'm not making a mountain over a mole hill.

If anyone has any further suggestions, I'd like to hear them. Tomorrow is confrontation day.

Do my two suggestions sound reasonable?

If I walk in there tomorrow and the tank isn't there; then I'm planning on talking to the owner and tell him that he can just keep it, but he's going to give me a good deal on another tank. I've done the math. And if he goes for my second suggestion, then we both come out $30 ahead after he sells the tank in one of his stores.</em> I've already had two explanations, two apologies and numerous promises of it being returned by such and such date.

I think that offer would be fair, would make me happy and keep me as a good customer. Sound reasonable?</em>
I hate having to deal with BS like this!! </em>
Thanks for the support, Bryan and everyone.

I really hope this gets resolved and just fades away. I'd hate to have to come back here and name names like has been suggested. Ughhh....
i know the store you are talking about. Dont know if i can say the name but i do know the actual owner. The manager of the loganville store is an idiot. but if you go up to the athens store and ask to talk to justin(store owner)he would happily help you.
I would get it delivered to your home and make sure the whole thing was free. Once that deal is set in stone, tell them you won't shop there anymore and maybe they'll give you discounts...