What wrong with this coral?


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Any ideas? This was under MH. It under radions, growth mode at 75% about 12 inches from light. Looks like bleaching starting from the bottom.
What strength MH?

Bleaching from to much light wouldn't start from the bottom. Sounds like STN!

How long have you had it? Have you checked your water prams?
Had it a week. I moved it from the rocks at the top of the tank. The bottom was close to the top.

Sal 1.026
Cal 410
Alk 9.8
Mag 1200

What is STN?
STN slow tissue nercosis
I think the only way to stop it would be to cut off the healthy Side to try and save the rest. But that is not a garantee because more cells might have already been effected.
RTN is the faster form of the same problem, usually will occur in SPS.
Big colony like this....
Probably just doing that from no light on the bottom side with the LED shadowing.


Way too much light... 75% at 12" from light? Mine is at 40% at 12". Have you had success with other SPS with this setup?
No, these are my first. this one was under MH in store. I put it on the bottom since I saw this.
Call the LFS and find out how long he had it and what strength his lights were. That will help you determine what light it can handle.
Personally, the middle of the tank would be the absolute highest I would put a new SPS that was under MH.

Did it turn white fast or over a period of time?
I had a very similar issue with my first acro. You can check out the thread for more info

Search for this thread; Tri-color Acro Help!