What's happening with my clown?


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Today his and hers faces looked strange. All water parameters are ok.
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Define strange please. Have earlier pics to show the difference?

Also, ok parameters to you might be something completely different to someone else. Best to just post what they actually are.
look at one cheek. its just indented . Only different thing I did is started putting Kent reef A and B. ( just wanted to supplement till I get my order of reef builder and reef complete) . ( hmm I saw some birds-nest die off in that area )
I didnt check calcium cos its just been a week since a complete water change ( in 125 g tank) and I hardly have any corals .
I can see the indention and unfortunately have no clue if it indicates anything.

Did you just poor the part a and b into the display? At the same time or minutes apart? Were the fish in the area you dosed?

Also, you'll hear this often. Don't dose what you can't test for. Just not a good idea in general. And if you don't have many corals it's likely not needed.
yep . they were nearby. Kent solution I had was for a nano tank. so the concentration I put was minimal. Yes I waited 5 mins. So I have the basic parameters measurements ( pH./Calcium/3Ns /Refractometer) . What else do you recommend? I was going to go for Mg and what not, but LFS guy told me just calcium will be enough and that's what they do.
I'd test for alk too. And like I said before, if I'm going to dose something I'll test for it. Otherwise you just don't know how much to dose and may be doing more harm than good. Hopefully someone else can chime in about the "pinched" cheek on the clown. I just haven't been keeping fish long enough to see many issues.
you have to be real careful about who you get advice from at our "lfs".
they really dont know reef tanks like they should and they certainly dont understand water chemistry.
I am not going to put any fish anymore until I get all the tests done and till I sort this clown issue. so far the clown gobys , another clown , and a diamond goby seems to be doing well. My LPSes are OK .