What's making my Kh (Alk) keep going up?

Just an update. Since the beginning of this post, I had taken my CaRx offline to try and get a handle on this beast. I've done two water changes that total out to 55g (25 on the first and 30 on the 2nd). I saw an immediate drop in dKH but I also saw a drop in Ca and Mg. My pH was bouncing a little but not much. This morning I test and here are the results:

pH: 8.27
Alk: 7.0
Ca: 400
Mg: 1200

In the interest of disclosure, I did add a KWRx to my ATO water 3 days ago. I can't say if that has helped or hurt but I believe in the end, it will be a benefit. I will put my CaRX back online later this week and see if the numbers jump.
reeferman;1064989 wrote: exactly.decrease the bubble rate or raise the set point.you are dissolving the media too fast.decreasing bubble rate or raising the set point will dissolve less media making the effluent less saturated

this is all ^^