Whats the best LED light for a 34G Red Sea Max?


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I currently have a 34G Red Sea Max. I bought it used and the previous owners upgraded the lights with Marineland LED's. I don't know the type. It has 27 white and 4 blue LED's w/o a timer. I know I need a better light.

I have been told to get the Al Sol Blue and I've researched others but with no experience, I don't know the difference. I know I need to look at the PUR vs PAR. I also need something thats programable.

I do plan on purchasing a bigger tank in the future, so I want something that I can use on that tank as well. I am aware that I will have to purchase multiple units the bigger I go.

Are the Al Sol Blue lights good enough? Or what else is out there that I should look into? I would like to be able to have a wide variety of corals.

Thank you!
I love my Radion Pro over my 45. I'm going to a 4' long 75 so I'm adding 2, 175W MH to compensate.

Not that I have any personal experience with MH...but Im impressed by many corals color being more intense with MH then in my LED only tank.

As far as LED's, you can't find any better customer service than Echotech.
If money is no issue I would go with the AI Sol or Vega. If money is a factor in your decision I would go with the reefbreeders.
With lighting being something so important, I don't mind spending the money. What are all the different colors for? I don't want to sound stupid or anything. I figured there would only be whites and blues, but I saw reds and greens as well.
Its called full spectrum lighting. Which is somewhat true. The additional colors are supposed to add a better mix of colors for viewing and growth. Some people swear full spectrum will grow corals better and faster. I have yet to see any hard data for this statement. I have the blue and white leds myself and coral growth has been fine for me. However, after seeing a buddys tank that had a reefbreeders unit on it I have wanted one ever since.