When the lights go out in Georgia


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I've been reading many of the posts on this subject -- but I can't determine the following:

Just how vulnerable are fish and coral to an outage?
i.e. how <u>long</u> can the power be off before stress really sets in? what does the tank need most -- oxygen, heat (in the winter)?

I've been researching UPS devices and found that most won't keep my main pump running more that about 20 minutes (390 watts). An extended outage will require some serious alternatives. If I only run my PHs in the tank (24 watts -- they could run up to about 2 hours.

So far, the best UPS I've found for the money is the Tripp-Lite 750XLT which runs about $250 and generates a true sine wave.

i lived in new york when that power outage occured.. forgot how long i was affected close to 16 hours... everything in my 90 gall was fine.. i currently live in a rural area and the electricity is always going out. i dont have a power back up system, i've currently gone 8 hours without power to my tank and everything has always been fine... now i have some ecotechs i plan on investing in a battery back up just in case..