Where to buy fish online??

SWF, LiveAquaria and MarineDepotLive are considered the safe three by most people. Problem with MDL is that it has the cost of LA without the longer guarantee. They also don't refund money and you can only use a credit once. If something dies a second time, you are out the money. To my knowledge you can't use the credit on dry goods either.
I've used MDL on three ocassions and have always had great success with their stock. The only time I had an issue was when they had a batch of false percs that were clearly suffering from cyanide poisoning. Of the two I ordered, one died on day 5 and the other on day 7. Alhtough their guarantee is only for a meager 5 days, they credited me for both. They tend to be pricy on some critters, but then are much cheaper than other online vendors on others... go figure.