Who can help a dying hippo tang? Please Read!


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Went to a local big box store today and saw an awful looking small hippo/regal tang. The little guy was in the corner of the tank and had one of the worst cases of ich that I have ever seen. The price on him is $60 I went to the manager of the fish section and I made a complaint about the condition of the fish. I asked if they would give or sell him to me so i can get him the proper care. To say the least he said that he will start using some IchAttack tonight to see if that will help or he can sell it to me for 50% of. I almost bought him but I dont have a large enough tank and I dont have a QT setup right now to nurse him back to health in. I mean the little guy was barely breathing and it really was pissing me off. My question to the club is will someone here put him in a QT and nurse him back. I will gladly pay for the little guy and deliver him to you if your not to far away. And In the mean time I will try to setup a QT tank to nurse him myself. Or if someone wants him and is willing to do that I can pick him up. Brandon let me know if you are interested. Here are some pictures
IMO if he is "Barely Breathing" then he will not make it even if we bring him to our tanks. I would be GLAD to take him because I have a blue tang that has gotten ich before and I ALWAYS have cured it. To say the least I'm a pro at this.
i have the concern that he may not make it but it just kills me to see him sit there dying.
+ rep for both of you. Good luck with that tang... I've got a tank you can use for it if you want ziad, and other necessary gear.
Ziad, I will donate and QT things that you need and Ich treatments that you need if you want to save him. Just let me know, god only knows I have the items here ready for use.

Edit: I meant to say "any QT things" not "and QT things" I just do not have the time to QT anything right now with work and I do not have any place to put him once I cure him... But I am more then happy to help you try to save him.
I have everything we need but not the fish. I have the BEST ICH treatment for him. Green Ex and you cannot buy it anymore, its illegal, Lame. Let him free!!!!!
alright i will speak with the manager again tomorrow and figure out a plan thanks for the help guys
I say the manager takes 75% off... his mark up is prob 50% and he is offering that so he does not take a loss but if he cared about the fish in his care he would realize that the fish got that way because of his tanks and atleast 25% of retail is something because if not, in a few days he will have 0% because it will die!
If anyone can do it, Sal probably has the best shot of bringing him back. Last I was over he had a tank setup ready for a fish like that.
If Someone Can Nurse It Back I Will Put Him In My 125.i Would Hope Someone With A Bigger Tank Would Help This Lil Guy.if Someone Cancome Get The Money I Have 20 Bucks To A Good Cause.
well I agree I was shooting to get him for free or practicaly free because of his condition. I am going to go up there and check on him during my lunch break. I think I will be able to talk him down to $20 but either way I will get this fish out assuming its not dead yet. Also thanks for everyone wanting to help I knew you guys would want to. I suppose whoever can adopt him from me for a little bit and that can meet tonight around 7-8pm will probably be the person that I can bring him to. I will pay for the food as well if you dont have any to spare....also any dips that may be needed. I will update on the fishes status after 3pm.
This is awesome to see people getting together to save a fish. I have some extra 10 gallon tanks i can setup if necessary for QT tanks if we find others
Thanks Jin ill keep that in mind if anything I may need help getting some of the chemicals for the treatment because I dont currently have any. Also they have a nice powder brown tang for $40 in the same tank I hope that guy doesnt get ich too! he is a really nice fish btw.
Sure I've got some treatments myself like metrodonizole and tons of garlic!!!... but I think if its as bad off as you say, it's going to need better care than I can give it. Bryan's green ex is pretty legendary in its effectiveness and he's had success treating his blue tang.... so I think we should go that route. I know Brandon's the self proclaimed ich king :), and for good cause, but Bryan has the experience and the green ex! After it recuperates, we just need to find it a good home.
good to know about the stuff bryan has my concern is that I cant get to dawsonville and I really think this fish needs to be taken out of that store today. I guess I will be able to know more after I check on it today at lunch. Also I am sure I can find it a good home after it heals...i may even just upgrade tanks to keep him lol I need an excuse to go bigger anyways haha