Who can help a dying hippo tang? Please Read!

Stoid - I bet someone could meet you part way? Sal, Bryan, or Brandon maybe? I could act as courier after 7pm if necessary.
yeah i sent Bryan a PM and I have Sals number and Brandons number. I may be pretty close to Sal tonight so we will see. The QT tank also doenst have to be very big at this point it is still a relatively small Tang.
Stroid, I could meet you at anytime and take it to Dawsonville immediately. I'm sending you PM with my cell #.
Thanks for the offer that is very nice of you and I will update everyone after 3pm with the status of the fish.
I'll contribute some food additives that I use to bulk up skinny fish. I make my own mixture of about 15 different supplements and it works nicely. I would be looking for the fish to eat. Fortunatly in the past I have had no problems with ich in my systems and the tangs have always eaten very nicely for me.
Im suprised that they would put a powder brown in with a regal seeing as how those two fish are bound to fight....especially if its in a 10 gallon section. I try not to look too much at the chain store setups. Granted some people in those stores know thier job and animal requirements but most do not and in turn give the hobby a bad name.
yeah the poor little guy was definitly attacked by the poweder brown tang it had a nice size bite on its side. I really hope it looks a bit better today....i am anxious for my lunch break so i can check on it.
I found this picture of another regal tang with ich...this is pretty much what it looks like
well I stoped by the store at lunch he is still alive and was actually eating some nori (atleast thats what it sorta looked like). I asked the guy what he had done for it and he said he did a FW dip and thats it. It looks as if the ich wasnt as bad today but I couldnt really see the fish as well it was in the back of the tank behind a rock. I also spoke with them about giving me the fish for free because of the condition and they said no the price is setup by corporate and he cant change the computer price but can give me 50% off. To sum it up I will be buying the fish after work the manager will be there to give me the discount. I probably will take the fish to Sal because I am heading that way tonight anyways. Thanks everyone for the offer to help and if I still need it I will post.
I have a QT tank that is always set up....if anyone needs it let me know. It's only a 10 gal. and usually the salinity is pretty low .012 or so and has worked great for treating ich/other diseases. Good luck with the hippo!

BTW what store is this??
I'm not very pleased any time I see a fish in the care of what should be the "proper" people, looking that way. There is a local store here that is plagued with red slime and continually has fish die off all the time. I just can't believe people try and sell a fish or invert in the shape they do. Let alone the point they are proving every day by the shape their livestock is in.

Great effort in the attempted save. I'm actually looking for a blue regal when I upgrade tank size. I'd be willing to adopt/ pay part of the costs everyone has spent.
You know it does not surprise me. I made the LFS rounds this past weekend and EVERY store I went to had a BAD Ich problem, not only in their selling tanks but in their display tanks! I have given up hope on being surprised about it any more.
FYI: please make sure if you borrow a QT tank from someone you let them know what you are going to treat with. I have tanks that are set up for medication and some that are not. I lent out my 29 gal QT tank (had never had medication in it like copper) and told the person it was for hypo and observation only. Well they decided to treat with copper and not ask me, I get the tank back (After all their fish died because of the copper) and was never told that they medicated. I go to use it the next go around for the QT of a flame angel (Pretty sensitive to copper) and he died within 12 hours. The tang I was QTing dies within 18 hours. I tested the water and sure enough the copper was leaching from the seals and it tested out at .30!!! (That is hig for people that do not know) it has taken me 3 months to water change, dry time, testing, poly filters, and copper remover and I still can not get the copper all the way out from leaching. I do not know how much copper he put in there but it must have been alot. Long story short, please warn the person you are going to borrow stuff from. On that note, I have hypo tanks and copper/medication tanks if you need one still. ;)
well the tang is here he is in qt tank i dripped him treated the system he looks better than i thought he would, i'll keep you all posted on his progress, stroid it was nice meeting you're girl friend and talking with both of you. sal
thanks i just really enjoy the hobby and helping each other out is what this is all about...
it ended up being $32 with tax from $60 so really just half of apparantly they sell small hippos for $40 so he gave me $10 off that. He said corporate wouldnt let him give it to me any cheaper. He actually looked alot better today then he did yesterday and im sure that under sals care he will be alright. Sal it is always a pleasure my girlfriend was amazed by your tank!!! Thanks again for everyone offering help the other fish may need rescueing soon but the hippo was the worst of them all. Whats funny is the guy in the fish section isnt a complete idiot but yet does nothing to help the fish.