Argh. I suppose one way to keep myself from being too verbose in a post is to lose track of what I'm doing and reboot my computer before clicking post reply.
Anyway, a
sincere thank you to all for the offers of assistance. I hope to take you up on them soon, but with a sick kid in the house, my car in the shop having its brains replaced (for the 3rd time in 4 weeks), and a family vacation planned week after next, I expect to be pretty tapped for time and money. I also don't want to risk getting anyone sick till I know kiddo is better.
That's awesome news! I'm sure I'll be seeing you (fairly) soon!
Yep, I do indeed have the tank. I was hoping to keep my freshwater fish in it and save the 29 bow for a reef, but I did a dumb and put a pearl gourami in the 20 that we had downgraded to during our move this spring... and it got aggressive with the black skirt tetras. At which point my wife insisted I do something, so I found the parts for it and managed to crash-cycle it (0ppm NH3, 0 NO2, <20 NO3) in 13 days flat. And now I get to sigh every time I look at it and think about what could have been. Oh well, at least the gourami quit bullying the tetras, my neocaridina are breeding happily and my Amanos are continuously berried. So, the 20 gallon reef it is.
As above, I'm both lacking transportation (probably) this weekend, as well as don't want to get anyone sick, but I'll be in touch for sure.
My lights can fit a tank up to 36" (Current USA Orbit Marine IC Pro Dual) though, so, if I managed to save enough money elsewhere and/or someone has a ludicrously good deal on a 29g, or a 30/40g breeder, I'd certainly consider it. I have a 100g on offer from a friend, but I just don't have lights for it. Or a stand. Or a particularly good place to put it.
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Please forgive the mess, it's been a busy holiday. Tank is cloudy because I put some leaves harvested from pondwater in it as an experiment now that the tank has lights again - the originals got stolen to supplement the lights on the 29g. And yes, I've moved the power strip to someplace safer. 3g acrylic tank will be drilled and elevated to use as a hong-on-side refugium. 10g was a birthday present to my wife for a pea-puffer tank: I
do need a good deal on a 2 - 5g or a HOB 'fuge to use to breed snails if anyone has one they want to get rid of.)