Who is using moon lights?


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I want to add moon lights to my T5's to help promote spawning. Who is using them? What brand? What do you like about them?

Any info at all would be helpful. Thanks.
I had 2 on my coralife fixture, but they stopped working...sad, they were cool.
I use 2 15" cyron tubes. They are made for entertainment centers, but are awesome. They have a nice blue spectrum that makes the corals glow, but if I want to observe at night I can make them red.

You can also do green, and any combination of the three colors. I need to get some nighttime photos for reference.

these are on my 90G and very bright, but can be dimmed completly too, so you can use them on any size tank...
I have 6 of them built in to my Outer Orbit fixture. They're white, rather than blue, which I think is way cooler as it looks natural. I love the little pools of dim light on the sandbed. Only problem with mine is the middle two are right above the center brace of the tank and completely blocked.
stickx911;296367 wrote: I had 2 on my coralife fixture, but they stopped working...sad, they were cool.

I had a fixture do the same (ebay cheapo) and contacted the company and they sent me new ones for free. You may try that...

I think the cryon tubes are great. I would like to try that next, as i have seen them at Microcenter I think.

I tried something cool. I purchased 6 3W Luxeon LEDs and a powerpuck driver. I glued them with a chopped up processor heatsink and made little mounts. Man they shimmer and look cool at night and day. It was labor intensive, but it was really cool. I used white LEDs, but any color can be used.

BTW, I recently read a thread on RC that suggested that running moonlights could possibly slightly stunt the growth of some corals (mainly sps). I dont know if this is true as it was just one guy's observation, but I think that running the moonlights only a few hours a night might be a better choice than all night long. Just FYI
Derek_S;296416 wrote:
BTW, I recently read a thread on RC that suggested that running moonlights could possibly slightly stunt the growth of some corals (mainly sps). I dont know if this is true as it was just one guy's observation, but I think that running the moonlights only a few hours a night might be a better choice than all night long. Just FYI

Hmm, then why does the earth have a moon? I dunno, sounds like a weird observation to me.
True, but if you look at the lunar cycle, the moon does not illuminate the sky every night, and even when it does, it does not illuminate it all night long.

I'm not vouching for the guy, just passing that on. He claims he saw better growth after cutting them out for a while.
This one looks interesting...

The R2 Solutions Moonlight Controller controls the brightness and is a timer for the all R2 Solutions Moonlights. The Controller acts as a timer, letting you choose when the Moonlight will be on and off and it acts as a dimmer that can be set according to the Automatic, Fixed and Manual modes described below.

Automatic Mode: This mode accurately mimics the moon's 29.5 day cycle. The brightness of your Moonlight will automatically change according to this cycle. It can be started at any point, so you can even match the actual moon cycle.

Fixed Mode: In this mode the brightness will be constant. If you set the brightness at 70%, the brightness will stay at 70% between the on/off times.

Manual Mode: Using the brightness dial you can manually set the brightness.
I just put an R2 with controller with two of the bulb modules on my 75g and LOVE it. I had to take it apart and trim the the auto/fixed/manual switch slider as it didn't want to go down into manual mode. The bulbs have good side-side fan, but front to back spread is a little lacking but it still gets the job done. Only other drawback is it doesnt seem to have any built in battery to hold the time/date/settings during a power blip. I havent paid close enough attention to how close it matches the moon phase either (i.e. if it just starts where it wants to or if it knows by calendar date what the moon should be in)
Here's another recent moon lite thread here. I posted a link to the R2 Solutions moonlites I have on it.

I had a Coralife blue moon LED. It really cast a good glow and lit up my corals at night. I let it run 24/7. Sad thing is it quit after about 6 months of use. I think it is not totally waterproof and I know it got dunked a couple of times. I am thinking about trying something different but I already know what this one does. Trying to find another one but the store I bought mine from is closed this week. the only other place I know that sells them wants like 50 bucks for them.
I've been using this for 2 years. Greatest thing since sliced bread. Had to reset full moon once in the 2 years it was off bv 5 days. It's as bright as a cloudless full moon and 14 days later its as dark as a overcast night. I love it!
jefft;296615 wrote: I've been using this for 2 years. Greatest thing since sliced bread. Had to reset full moon once in the 2 years it was off bv 5 days. It's as bright as a cloudless full moon and 14 days later its as dark as a overcast night. I love it! http://cgi.ebay.com/Aquarium-Moon-Light-Moontube-Moon-Controller-System_W0QQitemZ160290998435QQihZ006QQcategoryZ46314QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262">http://cgi.ebay.com/Aquarium-Moon-Light-Moontube-Moon-Controller-System_W0QQitemZ160290998435QQihZ006QQcategoryZ46314QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262</a>[/QUOTE]

R2 knockoff? Costs more too
LeeS;296617 wrote: R2 knockoff? Costs more too

Not a knockoff...separate product...and a good one at that as well.....product support response time a bit slow I have heard.
For some reason I thought it looked like the R2. How's the coverage fan out?
They are cool. I love them and my fish seem to enjoy a few hours of low light before darkness. I will have a name of a company that is just getting started that is manufacturing blue - moonlights, white - lunar lights (full moon), orange - sunrise and red - night viewing lights. They are all LED and modular so you can add as many or as few that you want. More information when I get it.
I think moonlight is for us more than the tank inhabitants....

Spawning is probably not a good idea in a home reef system anyway
Check this link out. Jeff T has this and I think it would be an interesting addition to moon lights
