Who's tired of sandbeds?


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Never imagined that this could happen!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab2Ib7aFN84&feature=youtube_gdata_player">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab2Ib7aFN84&feature=youtube_gdata_player</a>

All of this with no sand bed. Only one word comes to mind: PRICELESS!

No surprise at all, went bare bottom about a year ago and really glad i did.
you know the look isn't for everyone,
but I like the BB I went to.
There is NO WAY I could get the junk out of the sand like I do from the BB.
I'm enjoying my BB.
Personally, I enjoy the look of sand beds. Maybe one day I will try going bb

Side note, this was the first recommended video from the link above.
<!-- gcu-updated ame -->https://youtu.be/atR9qWTtr4g<!-- gcu-updated /ame -->
I've only added a small 5 il bag to my new 40 and a few cups from existing 75. I've got 3 big bags live sand I can't decide if I want to add!

It's a tough one!
I like the look of sand. More natural too me

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Camellia;1096664 wrote: I've only added a small 5 il bag to my new 40 and a few cups from existing 75. I've got 3 big bags live sand I can't decide if I want to add!

It's a tough one!

Don't dot it!!! JK, to each their own but just think of the work needed to keep it clean...
dball711;1096813 wrote: Don't dot it!!! JK, to each their own but just think of the work needed to keep it clean...

Or to take it out
I'm definitely a sand fan but I've also never seen the beauty of a BB tank in person

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To me the beauty is a clean tank with no build up of wast to have to worry about. I have all my rock work on 3/8" spacers so a strong current keep things clean under the rock work. This has worked out so much better for me over trying to move the large 45+ lbs rock to do maintenance. I do like the look of a sand bed, just not the maintenance of keeping it clean
dball711;1096826 wrote: To me the beauty is a clean tank with no build up of wast to have to worry about. I have all my rock work on 3/8" spacers so a strong current keep things clean under the rock work. This has worked out so much better for me over trying to move the large 45+ lbs rock to do maintenance. I do like the look of a sand bed, just not the maintenance of keeping it clean


The maintenance is the only reason I'm going to the 40 which makes BB very attractive!
Heck that could my answer, just remove sand from 75?

I'm pretty sure all the wrasse I've got now sleep in the rock work, not in the sand bed.

What do you mean by 38" inch spacers? Pic's please!!
Basically I snapped of the top of frag plugs and used them as spacers. I super glue 4 to the bottom of a rock and it raises the rock enough to allow current to flow under the rock work. I can try to get a picture later tonight.

My tank is a 75g also, and I only have 2 rocks in the tank (one is about 50#'s and one is about 10#'s so it's easy to do for my set up). I also have 3 Jeabo RW 8 wave-makers running them at 50-62% speed. I run them 1 master with 2 slaves in the W1 mode, switching to W2 mode causes so much current that it lifts anything that has settled on the bottom into the water column to be pulled out by the pre-filter. Changing a disposable filter pad every 3-5 days beats the heck out of cleaning a sand bed. Hope that helps.
personally I've gone to live rock modules.
I have a 3 basic modules that everything is connected to that i can move at will, clean under / around, and then put back.

I'm done with "the stack" :)
What are rock modules? I am setting up a new Red Sea max 260e and not starting with sand would be ideal. Pics please
no1bubba;1096925 wrote: What are rock modules? I am setting up a new Red Sea max 260e and not starting with sand would be ideal. Pics please

by module I simply mean a section of rock that I can move around without moving everything in the tank.
for instance if you had a 2 island setup, and instead of stacking a bunch of little rocks on one side or another you took a BIG chunk of pukani and carved out the shape you wanted.. so that each side was just ONE sculpted rock (or maybe a few held together with rods)... thats what I would call a module.

it allows you to move things around.. corals and all.. all in one go plus theres zero worry of things falling.
I used to like BB then change to just a littleif sand so I can keep a few more critters (sand shifting sea star, sea cucumber, diamond goby , wrasse..) just enough to cover + for a good environment for those needed
I think we should get a meeting where we can actually getting some hand on experience with cement + epoxy+ drill those live/dry rock.
dball711;1096830 wrote: Basically I snapped of the top of frag plugs and used them as spacers. I super glue 4 to the bottom of a rock and it raises the rock enough to allow current to flow under the rock work. I can try to get a picture later tonight.

My tank is a 75g also, and I only have 2 rocks in the tank (one is about 50#'s and one is about 10#'s so it's easy to do for my set up). I also have 3 Jeabo RW 8 wave-makers running them at 50-62% speed. I run them 1 master with 2 slaves in the W1 mode, switching to W2 mode causes so much current that it lifts anything that has settled on the bottom into the water column to be pulled out by the pre-filter. Changing a disposable filter pad every 3-5 days beats the heck out of cleaning a sand bed. Hope that helps.

Thanks Dave, that makes a clear enough picture.

One of the rocks, (entire right side of my 75) is an awesome large rock (paid out the nose for it too)!
That's the dang rock with the aggressive horrifying toxic Palys I've been trying to kill off and had such a time with. I'm almost at the point of setting that whole dang rock outside in the sun to kill off the Pollys without getting myself or my tank mates poisoned.

I didn't post about it but I had to delay my surgery two weeks ago and had to go to the doctor for an infection in my index finger. I was scraping off those palys again only out of the tank... Yes, with gloves, goggles & face mask.
Just so happened the next day my finger was super infected (3 days before surgery). Luckily, the internist I go to as my general care practitioner is from the West Coast and had experience, gave me big butt shot & correct anabiotic.
It's been rough, lol

Ricky, I like your idea!

Do you feel it's still A LOT easier to keep clean?
