Why, o, why won't my Monicap Grow?


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East Cobb
I have this frag I got about 6 months ago at least. It is essentially the same size as the day I got it. Everybody I talk to says theirs grow like crazy, but mine is still a tiny little frag.
What do I need to do to get this thing to grow?
Latest numbers
Ca: 420
NH3: 0
NO3: 5
pH: 8.1
Alk: 8
Temp: 79

I am not dosing, I keep the chemistry in line with frequent water changes. The lights are Hydra 32hds and the frag is mounted very high in the tank, so its getting lots of light and flow from the gyre.
Is it just a red monti cap? Maybe try lowering it in the tank.
I've had montis, favia, lepto not do anything for the longest time and I throw them under the frag rack and they explode in growth. Once they start growing, they really grow fast.
I assume your phosphates are 0ish? If not, high(er) phosphates supposedly hinder growth as well.
Is it just a red monti cap? Maybe try lowering it in the tank.
I've had montis, favia, lepto not do anything for the longest time and I throw them under the frag rack and they explode in growth. Once they start growing, they really grow fast.
I assume your phosphates are 0ish? If not, high(er) phosphates supposedly hinder growth as well.
Phosphates, I knew I forgot something. Last test was .03, was .05 before that. I'll try moving it down a little at a time. Lord knows its had a chance to acclimate to its current home, and yes, just a red/orange color plating monti.
That's what I'd do. Move it to a slightly different spot (light, flow) and see what happens. Monti's can handle a pretty good amount of light and some of them do really well under high light while others prefer lower levels. I wish there was some generally understood formula for which one's like what but it appears to be pretty random to me.

There is one thing I would try if I were you - test Alk before and after your water change. It's possible that the Alk gets lower and the water change brings it back up pretty quick. The Alk level may stay in the "ideal" range but a jump in dKh can give corals a pause. Nothing damaging but when corals get even a little annoyed, growth can be retarded for a week or two.