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does anyone know the reasoning that Its suggested not to dose for Alk. , calcium and mag. at the same time? Im using seachem reef builder and seachems calcium advantage, both are dry powders. I drop about 1 meq/L of ALK. per day and around 19-20 mg/L in calcium.. of course standard ratio. Having to wait in between these dosings is a pain!
Calcium and carbonates bind to form calcium carbonate, which cannot be used by coral. Magnesium, roughly explained, acts as a buffer between calcium and carbonates to keep them from bonding. Carbonates will also bond with magnesium, but will also disassociate at a high pH.

Always get Mg correct first. Second, fix your alkalinity. Third, worry about your calcium. These elements need enough time to be absorbed into the water column so they do not precipitate out. Always pour them in slowly to avoid a super saturation in one part of your tank. This also help prevent precipitation.

A high Mg level is necessary for stable Ca and KH levels. Corals will live in the presense of low calcium, but will die if your alkalinity drops. That's why you address them in that order.

Mg 1200-1300ppm
dKH 8-12
Ca min. 380ppm max 450ppm
well...whats ta be done If I did dose both within an hour?will it be detrimental to the corals over a long period? should I do a water change? or..will it be okay just dont do it again? If I dose say Alk in the morn...and then mag. in the late afternoon..and then calcium before bed? would this reginmin work?
Raise Mg first as Danny said since low Mg causes buffers and additives to basically not work.

Adding in small amounts of buffer and/or calcium an hour apart isn't a big deal, but dumping powder straight into the tank isn't a good idea. Power is super saturated and once it hits the tank it will clump and fall to the bottom. You should dissolve it into RO as the directions suggests if you aren't already doing so.

If you have a high flow tank, you can dose small amounts into different areas of the tank without worry. Just don't dose calcium and alk in the same spot at the same time and don't dose a lot of it. The recommended dosages on the bottle in different areas will work.

You will be fine with what you have done. Water changes are always good, but not necessary IMO in this case.