Wildernet's Tank Move and Rebuild


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Hello everyone. The time will come for everyone that change happens. For the first time I am going to try a document a small piece of that change for me. The wife and I are moving. I have decided to take on the challenge of storing, moving and rebuilding my tank of about well 8 years here and 3 before. Learned a ton over the years so we will see if it pays off. Please teach where you see me misstep. There is a lot of knowledge out there. I am hoping that others can learn from this process as much as I have from others doing the same.

First here are some pictures of the tank in its current state for documentation. I took them with my iPhone and photographer is not on my resume...Also the tank is dirty...Don't judge....
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First things first. I have been seeding live rock and a CerMedia MarinePure Block Bio-Filter Media block to jump start the temp holding tank.

The simple plan is:
1. Set up holding tank (think 90 gallon frag tank with a 40 breeder as a sump)
2. Move corals to the holding tank to support them while the house is listed and repairs are done to the fish room.
3. Move the holding tank to the new house with all the corals.
4. Start build project on new tank. Not really sure how this is going to go as I do not have a new house yet and we decided to list this house and get it sold before buying a new one.
5. Move coral to their new home and break down the holding tank.

Currently setting up the holding tank. Will supply pictures when I have them.

I have also taken frags and made placement notes of all my larger coral colonies in case things go bad.
here is an idea you might want to add to your planning, incase things go really bad you need a list of people to donate corals too as emergency holding persons.
Not very far. Plan on staying in the same area. Just an upgrade from the project house.
Good, we will not be losing you to another state or club!:D

wildernet;1080015 wrote: Not very far. Plan on staying in the same area. Just an upgrade from the project house.
You are super sweet Holley!!

Here is an update so far.

The 90 is striped of its paint and cleaned with vinegar. The 40 for the sump has baffles siliconed in place and the float valve for auto top off ready to go in. The 1 1/4" dorso standpipe is in and the pump is plumbed and ready.

Tomorrow I will finish the return spouts when the loc line comes in. Then we will be ready to add water and salt.

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MYREEFCLUB0070;1079795 wrote: here is an idea you might want to add to your planning, incase things go really bad you need a list of people to donate corals too as emergency holding persons.
This is something I'll be looking for when I move. Especially a good idea if you have a piece you really love. In your case finding someone to hold 90 gallons worth of shouldn't be hard. I've got to find multiple people ;)

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MYREEFCLUB0070;1079795 wrote: here is an idea you might want to add to your planning, incase things go really bad you need a list of people to donate corals too as emergency holding persons.

yup this is a great idea. i did it when i broke my 20 down to start the current 40 build. i still have coral spread out over 3 different tanks lol
It is really just sitting there for now. I do blow it off from time to time but since I am using it to seed I have not really worried about it. May have more usable info when I move it to the new tank and see water quality results.

I've looked in to putting coral in a few places. Actually a little harder than one would think.
Just a quick update for time tracking purposes.

Yesterday 4/12/16 I added water, brought it to temp and then added salt.

This morning I added the Marine pure 8x8x4 block to the sump to get the cycle started. Tonight I plan to scrub and add some live rock that I have had in my old sump for ever. Should be a short and sweet cycle.

Right now I am considering what bulbs to put in the 4x54w t5 fixture I have.

Also add these power heads to the bottom of the tank. Going bare bottom so I wanted something to keep crap from settling on the bottom glass.

SunSun JVP-201B 1585 GPH Dual Aquarium Wavemaker Powerhead

Added two of them. You get what you pay for I guess. They started out loud and have gotten a bit quieter. @ $27 per power head I guess I cannot be to upset about it.

Also added a 300w heater to the system.
Here are a couple pictures of the temp tank with water and live rock in the sump for seeding.
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On with the cycle!
a few things needed, imho.

Seachem Matrix rock
it's awesome for maintaining bacteria for a tank especially for short periods of time. That's what I use in my QT.

Seachem stability
Great advice Ralph. Questions though.

Currently the water drains to the sump. Tons of air mixed in there. Also will add a the skimmer from the main tank when the coral is moved. Also adding two more power heads for current. Again when the main tank is brought down. Enough? Similar to what I run now.

Figured the marine pure block and the live rock would cover the matrix need. I'll also be moving all the live rock from the main tank during the move. I'll do some research to see what the matrix provides. I have not used the product before.

Looking up seachem stability. Jumpstart the cycle?
Thanks again for the info Ralph.

It does appear that the Matrix and the CerMedia MarinePure Block Bio-Filter Media serve the same purpose.

I have an order in for stability and it will be here tomorrow.

Still not sure about the air stones. there is a good bit of air exchanged now and much more is to come. Have your thoughts changed after my comments about current and flow above? I know that the pictures make the tank seem calm but there is much surface agitation in the display and pretty good oxygen exchange form the overflow in the sump.

hey nathan, yea marine pure and matrix do the same job and to be honest i like the marine pure better because its lighter and easier to work with and has crap tons of surface area to house bacteria. i think matrix may have it beat on surface area but not by much iirc. dont get me wrong matrix works great but i hate having a couple hundred little rocks vs one block when youre having to clean or move them. as far as the air stone goes i cant comment but i would think that the powerheads and moving the water from tank to sump and back plus the future addition of a skimmer should be more than enough.
Hi all. UPDATE****

So I have some racks built in the tank. Currently have 6 t5 bulbs over the tank. I added an RW-15 and a PP-20 to kick up the flow in the tank. Man this PP-20! Wow! I have to keep it on power setting 2.... and I like a lot of flow. Have two 15s on my 65.

This past Saturday I added 4 fish. I have tried a few frags. Fish are doing great. Frags....not so much. You simply cannot rush this stuff. Acros hate a new tank. Water Params are great. Doing water changes. Will keep trying with small, healed frags from my main tank.

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Well it looks like it has taken about a month but the temp tank is finally ready for corals. I have been moving frags over each day for about a week now. No ill effects and they have good polyp extension. Going to continue moving a few corals over each day to the main tank is empty. Looks like this might work out. A little more hopeful now.