will a REPTILE tank hold water?


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So im looking for a 40 gallon breeder and i walked into petsmart and they have them for like 124$. I walked into their reptile section and the REPTILE 40gallon tank is the same size and stuff as a 40 gallon breeder BUT it is 99.99$.

will the reptile tank be fine for an aquarium?
No, a reptile tank will only hold about 6" to 8" max. They are not designed to hold water to the top and I the glass is not as thick as a standard 40 Gal fish tank.
NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO......NO it will not , I will say that Jamie and I were filling one up(we didn't realize it was a 40gal reptile tank) to get the gold fish separate from our main freshwater section ......I wish we had a floor drain lol:doh:
Just posted on this yesterday as well definitely not!the manufacturers tag should say don't fill with water as well.