Will not eat


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I have a blue regal and a powder brown tang that I cannot get to eat. I need some suggestions, please. I have offered the defrosted cubes of all kinds, pellets, and the red nori. The blue regal is looking thin to me and I have not seen them eat in a week. Please help?
LDYBKR;171459 wrote: I have a blue regal and a powder brown tang that I cannot get to eat. I need some suggestions, please. I have offered the defrosted cubes of all kinds, pellets, and the red nori. The blue regal is looking thin to me and I have not seen them eat in a week. Please help?

Have you tried soaking any of their food in garlic? My tangs were stubborn about earing when I first put them in the tank, but the garlic got 'em going and now I use it religiously because it's helpful to boost their immune systems (or so I've been told). In any case, they sure seem to like it. I put their frozen cubes in a medicine cup with some garlic "juice" and let it defrost together. I've even soaked pellets in a medicine cup with garlic. It's worth a try if you haven't already tried it...

Good luck...
Can I crush up garlic or is it better for me to buy it at the store somewhere?
This is the garlic that I use...


I just use it for the juice. You can find it at Food Depot, Kroger and Publix i believe. Just looked for the minced garlic in a jar. I put a teaspoon in a cup with tankwater and throw nori and what ever else food in there.
And seeing how you don't use the garlic chunks in the tank, you can cook with them ;)
kent marine sells a garlic extract that my blue regal loves and my roomates hate. It is powerful.
Thanks for the suggestion. If the juice does not work, I may try that next.
yeah i think i tried the seachem one before....or maybe it was the kent....at any rate it was POWERFUL! Stunk up the whole room.
Plain ol' garlic juice has worked for me too...I use the super garlic now, but when in a pinch, you do what you gotta do! My tangs will actually eat minced garlic if I put a few pieces in the tank...not sure why they love it so much, but they do!

Let us know how it works out...
okay, garlic, the other fish ate but the tangs still didn't. I am frustrated. I will continue to try.
Are they picking at the rocks at all?

Lack of appetite is a common cyanide poisoning symptom. :sad:

G'luck. I hope they come around.
Hardly picking at the rocks at all. The blue regal just seems to want to hide in the rock laying at various angles and the powder brown just flares at his reflection and swims side to side although he looks healthy.
I have had them a week and been trying to get them to eat the cubes with focus and metro. They look better than they did although the blue regal is looking thin to me. I have been running the UV and the skimmer.
Several thoughts for you. One you need to allow your food to soak in the garlic overnite, by doing this the garlic will soak in and the fish will actually benefit from the garlic. Two, you might try and getting a piece of liverock that has active macro algae and introducing to the tank, I have also had alot of success with rubberbanding your seaweed to a rock and placing on the sandbed, once he takes to that you can begin to use the clip.

Please if you do nothing else discontinue use of the focus, I have seen many crashes affiliated to the use of it.
I appreciate all the advice. You all have been wonderful. I hate to lose fish. Will soak some food overnight in some garlic and also pick up some green seaweed tomorrow.
Did you see the tangs eat when you bought them? I find it very hard to get fish to eat at home if they don't even go for food at the LFS. My fish hated the red seaweed and they go nuts over the green. Do you have any other fish in the tank that could be bullying? There is a product called Entice that is supposed to get finniker eaters to eat.