Worms in my fuge OK?


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In enjoying all of the life in my fuge (I actually like watching that almost as much as the tank sometimes) I see lots of Pods, but I also see lots of what I am assuming are bristle worms. 2 questions

1) How can I be sure they are bristle worms versus something else? They are very small and look more like the bristle worm pics versus fire worms.

2) Is it OK for them to be in the fuge? Will they eat the pods?

More than likely they are bristleworms. Most of the ones I have seen in my tanks are pinkish and gray. They are scavenger/detritus feeders and should pose no threat to your amphipod population. Enjoy them. :)
Yep, exactly what Stacy said. If you see a LOT of them, it is a sign that maybe you are overfeeding the tank, but otherwise they are good to have (just not good to touch).

Admitedly, I don't know what 'a lot' is. But there have to be at least 15 of them in there. It is an ~12"x18"x14" fuge and they are ~.5 inches long at most.

I will not claim that I am not overfeeding, but I 'think' I am going out of my way not to, so even if I am it should not be by a lot.