Worried about Wrasse

When I introduce a new fish that wants to hide I turn off the lights for a day or two... Then go with blue LEDs for another day. Seems to help and other fish aren't as aggressive toward the new fish.
I did actually turn off the lights the evening I put it in but haven't since. Its still hiding and not eating. I'm really worried.
If leaving the lights off tomorrow may help it, that's what I'll do.
I checked on my Wrasse (1 AM on the 3rd) to find my cleaner shrimp trying to carry it away :(
It would be nice to know why it died, if it was my fault and how to do better.
It never came out of hiding. Do you think this could have been an acclimation mistake on my part even tho it lived a week?
Raz0945;946910 wrote: Crushed coral is not considered a good substrate for wrasses, it can break their beak, then they starve to death! A more sandy formular with rounder grains will allow them to slide into it without the friction. Holley:yes:

What SHE SAID!! unless you didn't acclimate correctly?? drip acclimation in my book is a Must!!
If it was new it could've been sick when you bought it. Having a QT is the best way but for most it's not a viable option. Next time, see if your lfs will take some money down and let you pick it up in a week or two so you can see if it's already sick and if it's eating or not
Camellia;947384 wrote: I checked on my Wrasse (1 AM on the 3rd) to find my cleaner shrimp trying to carry it away :(
It would be nice to know why it died, if it was my fault and how to do better.
It never came out of hiding. Do you think this could have been an acclimation mistake on my part even tho it lived a week?

QT isn't just for diseases, in this case it could have allowed sufficient and likely much needed time to de-stress and feel comfortable enough to come out and eat.

At the end of the day you'll never know if he would have made it. What you and everyone should know is without a QT expect many more scenarios like this to play out.
HiImSean;947524 wrote: Did you QT the fish?

Yes always, I dripped for over an hour. But could it even possibly be acclimation error with it living a week? Just wondering.
Is my sand a problem for a Lubbock's wrasse? It's not a sand sleeper and nothing I read mentioned the sand on Lubbock's.
I've never lost a new fish and want a wrasse but not if my sand isn't the correct kind.

[QUOTE=]Why do new arrivals need to be isolated in quarantine tanks?
Quarantine tanks allow new arrivals to recover from the stress associated with transport, allow them to acclimate to new water conditions in a stress-free environment, and allow you to carefully monitor the health of your new fish, making sure they do not show signs of illness. Stress lowers the immune response of fish and allows disease-causing organisms to take advantage of their weakened state. Not only are new arrivals more susceptible to disease/parasites that may exist in the main aquarium, but may potentially harbor them. Even though they appear healthy, the new arrivals may not exhibit symptoms until days after purchase. Quarantine tanks allow new arrivals to regain their strength, making them more resistant to disease when introduced to the main aquarium.[/QUOTE]
He looks just like my green coris wrasse. Great fish but very nervous. He hid under the sand for about a week. I thought he died but one day saw him pop out of the sand. He stays out now but he is still a nervous fish. Takes off whenever I get too close to the tank. I figure he just has some issues. LOL. No other fish are bothering him at all. When I first got him the six line went after him. Maybe that is why he is still so nervous acting. Of course he has no need to worry now as the six line went carpet surfing.
DawgFace;947548 wrote: That is not QT.

Hey Jesse,

I was actually answering Reefstinger regarding acclimating.

Your right about QT. I didn't use to QT years ago and never lost a fish (lucky) but don't like taking such chances.
When I purchased this fish I had all intentions of QT but the tank (old nano) was leaking. I should have waited until my current tank was empty (upgrading) or put it in the 4', 75 alone. Why I didn't think of it at the time, IDK but it won't happen again.
Just wanted you to know I'm not totally blond :)
Camellia;947697 wrote: Hey Jesse,

I was actually answering Reefstinger regarding acclimating.

Your right about QT. I didn't use to QT years ago and never lost a fish (lucky) but don't like taking such chances.
When I purchased this fish I had all intentions of QT but the tank (old nano) was leaking. I should have waited until my current tank was empty (upgrading) or put it in the 4', 75 alone. Why I didn't think of it at the time, IDK but it won't happen again.
Just wanted you to know I'm not totally blond :)

Lol got it :)