worst store ever.

Dawgdude -I'm definately not trying to offend anyone or act as though i know what it's like to work in a LFS. In fact my comments could be used against any business not just a fish store. for instance you were refering to my Chevys (I no longer sell them by the way, I need to get that changed) but let's say you were looking at purchasing a new car, walked into the showroom and no one from the dealership spoke to you, said Hi, or asked if you needed any help. After 20 Minutes would you still be interested in buying a car from this dealership or would you gone on down the road to one that made you feel as though you were welcome. What if the cars in the showroom were dirty with finger prints all over them, what if the paticular car you took on a test drive, smelt bad inside, whould you still purchase the car, I'm afraid not.

I'm sure if someone came on these boards and said 'I'd like to start a salt water tank but I can't afford the right equipment, don't have the time to maintain it, and lack the knowledge one needs to give salt water fish proper care', everyone on these boards would say, 'you need a new hobby!!!

As stated above, if you can't do things the right way, or afford to get them done the right way, get out of the business.

"I can only afford a 10 Gallon Tank with a HOB Filter and aquarium gravel with fake plants, but I really want a Bamboo Cat Shark and a Yellow Tang." Any advice?
LukeStimp;180245 wrote:

As stated above, if you can't do things the right way, or afford to get them done the right way, get out of the business.

"I can only afford a 10 Gallon Tank with a HOB Filter and aquarium gravel with fake plants, but I really want a Bamboo Cat Shark and a Yellow Tang." Any advice?

I wish to God it was that way. But there is always someone who will buy it. Eeven experienced reefers. How many times have you heard about the "save" buy. IE- "I went to the LFS, and there was a starving mandarin. I juts had to save him." That is promoting the business, and validating their deplorable conditions. It has nothing to do with it being a little mom and pop store either. PETCO has one of the worst reputation on the boards for having atrocious conditions for their marines, yet people continue to shop there because of the price or because of the "save" buys.

The bottom line is this- there is no policing or accrediting of any pet shops. They can get what they want and try to sell it, and we cant stop that at all, except to drive them out of business through failure to support them.
i go in this store ALL THE TIME scott is a great guy and knows plenty of things about the hobby.......i dont know about coral but his fish prices are pretty much the same as i have seen else where and if u think they are high he is the type of person you can talk to about that. he has always given me great advice and every time the advice has worked and helped me. wow his store is dark??? are u serious who cares?? if you would take the time and talk to the guy you would know he is a great guy and does run a good business of course u can find better prices.......there IS ALWAYS BETTER PRICES somewhere but it comes down to supporting your LFS and he is obviously doing something right if his store is staying up and running.......maybe your buddy at sea stars or whatever it is that is closing down should go talk to scott about keeping a store open.
dawgdude;180187 wrote: Your Chevy's dont die on your, they dont get sick with a limited time to get repaired .

You've never had a Chevy before?:D
There are points to both sides of this that i agree with. I do work at a LFS I'm not going to name it thats not the point. With 26 tanks 7 systems to up keep it is alot of work. Is it my job?? Yes, one of them, I look forward to going everyday. Now just looking at the livestock is plenty of work. Thats not counting the store itself. Sweeping, mopping, "so sorry my tommy just blew chunks all over your restroom." ect. ect. I agree with the high standards 100%. Take a look at the economy over the lst 18 months. Gas at 4.00. People are looking for a bigger and better deal all the time. The prices for things keep going up. Bills have to be paid right? So why is it that when ppl order equipment, ect. Then come in to get it and what do they say???? I can get a much better deal on line. They walk out, they get their info ,we eat the item. Now you have to put down a deposite. I will match an internet price, but at the first question about said Item, it will cost you. You want an internet price? You get internet support to. Like I said I agree with both sides to an extent. I will say, the first time you walk into the store and I don't greet you or you find me sitting on my butt doing nothing, I'll buy you lunch. I work my butt off and I'll tell anyone that, I set high standards for myself and I take great pride in the work I do. The problem I run into is I sometimes expect too much from customers.just my 2 cents