Wrasse Experts Needed (ID)


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I recently fell in love with this Fairy Wrasse at a LFS, and just had to buy it! Problem is I cannot for the life of me ID it.:sad:

I can tell you that she is female, has a very scaley body (kinda like a snake) compared to most other fish, and is mostly a bright redish orange color with some purple stripes, and some blue, purple, and yellow hughes to her. Otherwise I got nothing for ya. I searched all day yesterday, and couldnt find anything remotely close.

Most pictures I find online show male or super males in order to show them with their best coloration. It's harder to find pictures of female wrasses.

So here is a TON of pics to help ID. I cannot get a good pic, so I took about 100, and here is the top 19 of them. Gives you some perspective, but does not show her true beauty.

Thanks in advance!:up:

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With flash...

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woah dude, tiff pulled you a great one didnt she.

good luck with the ID
Definatly not a mcCoskers. It's a fairy wrasse for one (at least I think so), and does not have a long dorsal fin.
Looks almost like a female flame body wise....just no yellow belly ..chk out fishbase.org....may be easier to find a positive ID.....Where'd she come from?
That last pic from up top does give the hint of yellow on her though....
rostato;471401 wrote: Definatly not a mcCoskers. It's a fairy wrasse for one (at least I think so), and does not have a long dorsal fin.

eh, thats why i said good luck, i am not the best at find them out lol
Got her from Blue Planet. I love that place! I'll check out fishbase.org

I was thinking Flame wrasse, but I have never seen one, and she doesnt look like any of the pictures I found... I just don't know
I think it's a Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis (redfin fairy) that is possibly trying to turn into a male...

I just bought 2 Female Carpenter Flasher Wrasses, she looks a lot like mine. They colored up after a few days. They look alot like McCoskers Flasher Wrasses. My male is a McCoskers, I could not find any female McCoskers Wrasses.
Definatly not a flasher, I promise. I have a carpenters before, and it looks way different. A person over on RC seems to thin its a Red Fin Fairy, and I agree until someone else can prove us wrong.
it appears to be a Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis. Get a clear "side shot" where the fish is perpendicular to lens.
mysterybox;471484 wrote: it appears to be a Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis. Get a clear "side shot" where the fish is perpendicular to lens.

I keep trying but she is super evasive! I turned the lights off to keep stress levels down, so I'll try again tomorrow.
mysterybox;471484 wrote: it appears to be a Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis. Get a clear "side shot" where the fish is perpendicular to lens.
I was originally thinking a female Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus, but I agree w/ Ralph.
Definately not a flasher of any sort.