Wrasse is bloated??


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Peachtree Corners
My melanaraus wrasse is lethargic and bloated looking. Is there anything I can do for this condition? And yes, he’s still swimming ....

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If I had to guess, I'd say cyst or dropsy. Gas/swim bladder issues will effect swimming in nearly all cases. How fast did it happen? Overnight? Any idea if it's still going to the bathroom (pooping)?
Not sure about the speed of progression or if it’s pooping, this fish is in our customer lobby tank. It was pointed out by a coworker.

I’ve seen people deflate swim bladders with hypodermic needles, is this an option for treatment??

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I've done it, we've always called it "fizzing." Most of the videos are with larger fish (bass) but the principle is the same. But when it's an appropriate treatment only when they are clearly having issues swimming (struggling to stay right side up, sinking uncontrollably). Any chance it's been overfed? I had a six line that would eat and eat and it's little belly would get hilariously huge. If it's not food related or swim bladder related, I don't have a good solution. Sounds like's it's not swim bladder related if it's swimming alright then hopefully it's just a glutton.
The tank has an Eheim auto feeder, I’m not sure if it could have overfed, but maybe. I just don’t want to lose a fish if I can help it. I’ll check him out tomorrow.

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Honestly I’d say if he is eating and acting right then leave him alone. If he was sick he would act like it.
Why is he bolted?
Maybe just REALLY full

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I meant to ask for an update. Curious how things are looking for the wrasse.
Unfortunately I’m not sure. I didn’t see him yesterday and I’m off all weekend. I’m hoping for a good outcome, but I guess we’ll see Monday.

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I'm sorry that's how it worked out. It happens and when fish come down with anything other than a few common ailments there's not a lot to be done. Heck, oftentimes the exact cause of a fish's death is never even identified. I always feel helpless when a fish is sick and there's nothing I can do. I have a QT/Hospital tank and unfortunately it's only been used as a hospital once successfully.
My best friend lost a Melanurus wrasse the same exact way, I was hoping that I could save this one. On the positive side of things, I guess now I can start buying snails and crabs again and actually keep them.

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