Wrasse with bladder problem?


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I have a female long finned wrasse that has been in QT for three weeks with some other fish that I got at the same time. It has started swimming weird, not being able to hold itself in a horizontal position so I think it is a swim bladder problem. Does this sound likely and is there anything I can do to treat it? The other fish all look fine.
Sounds like a bacterial infection. You could try treating with broad spectrum antibiotic (ie Kanaplex)... if the wrasse is eating, and you can spike the food that's something to try.

Hopefully the bladder can heal, sometimes the infection can be taken care of but the fish is left with permanent impairment - impossible to tell until you get there.


Thanks Jenn, I may be too late, but I got it out of the QT and put it into a tank by istelf. It let the flow carry it around with no control for up or down until it got behind a piece of PVC I put in with it where it seems to at least be able to hold itself. The only anti bacterials I have on hand are Metronidazole and Focus. The closest places I can get to are PetCo and PetSmart so is there a brand of anti-biotic they may stock that might help?
Kanaplex is great stuff if you can get some even if it's just to have on hand
Neither PetSmart nor PetCo carry Kanaplex so is there another that is equivalent? They have ampicillin, penicillin, tetracyclene and probably others as well.
I have Kanamycin Sulfate Powder 25 grams (gram-negative anti-bacterial) I believe it may be the same thing. I can meet you at Wal-mart @ Hwy 29 & Sugarloaf. Maybe Jenn can tell us if this is the same product (National Fish Pharmaceuticals). Hope this might help. Holley
Yep, same stuff... I did not look up the specifics on the stuff, I (perhaps mistakenly) thought it worked on Gram positive and Gram negative - but I could very well be wrong on that. I've used Kanamycin on fish (esp. seahorses) for many years.

Seachem's Kanaplex does not specify (gram positive or negative) - Seachem's Neoplex says broad spectrum.

As with any application of antibiotics - it should only be done when it's indicated. Over use of antibiotics can be problematic. Always be sure to run the full course of treatment, even if symptoms disappear. Not following a full course, can cause bacteria to become resistant to the antibiotics.


EDIT: Kanaplex is 40% Kanamycin sulfate.
I put the long-finned wrasse into a separate 10G tank and tried treating it with Metronidazole, dosing on Wednesday and Friday without any signs of improvement. Saturday, I picked up some Kanaplex and treated it Saturday and today, Monday. I will give it one more dose as the instructions call for on Wednesday and if there is still no signs of improvement, I'll do a water change, run some carbon and then try Neoplex.

I've only seen it eat once since I put it in the 10G but other than not being able to stay upright it looks OK. It may be wishfull thinking on my part but it seems to be able to hold itself still and upright for small periods of time today.
Looks like it was just wishful thinking since it really hasn't shown any signs of improvement. I treated it for the third and last time yesterday with Kanaplex per the instructions. Tomorrow I will try the Neoplex but I just don't have a good feeling that I'm treating for the correct symptoms. I add a little food each day but I haven't seen it actually eat anything for a week. For the last couple of days I've added some live adult brine hoping that it will swim around enough so the wrasse gets it.

It reacts to me when I go up to the tank and it is constantly moving its eyes like normal, it just doesn't have the ability to control itself in the flow.
I have treated the wrasse for the past three weeks with Neoplex and it still shows no sign of improvement. So I have now tried Metrodonizole, Kanaplex and Neoplex.

The fish still can't hold itself upright or control its swimming in flow, but it is still very alert and must be eating since I have had it in a tank by itself for four weeks.

Anyone have any ideas? Help!
I'm going to start a thread on medications and antibiotics. I'll link to it here once I'm done.
for wrasses, prazipro is "the med" as they are so prone to internal parasites. Of course. I'm not sure whats causing the swimming issue. It wouldn't hurt.
Here's part of my bit on medication:

I'm digging up an old thread here, but today my Clown Fairy Wrasse started doing the exact same thing.

Budsreef: What was your outcome with your wrasse? Did the meds work?

My wrasse is still trying to eat, but doesn't seem to be able to keep himself upright or in any one direction....he spins, he flips...acts very disoriented.

Anyone have any other advice?


Sorry, Jeff it did not end well. Nothing I treated it with made any difference.
That's what I figured happened. I currently have him sitting in an acclimation box in my tank. I'm trying to decide if I should setup the med tank or not. Thanks for the update though.

Always a tough decision for me. Do I pay almost as much as the wrasse cost trying to treat the wrasse...or just wait for the end.
