Xenia and Kenya Tree Coral Issues


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<span style="color: black;">Over the past 2 weeks I’ve replumbed and installed a chiller in my 90gal and my Xenia and Kenya Tree corals are not looking great, the xenia is the worst. Both are out but not fully, the xenia is still pulsing but very small. </span>
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<span style="color: black;">All of my hard corals (and other soft corals) and fish appear better than ever, so do my inverts.</span>
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<span style="color: black;">During all of this I used PCV glue, had a minor temp fluctuation (4 degrees over 3 days but I was using a 75 gal sump in the garage with no chiller so this fluctiation was very minor!) and a salinity drop (from 1.024 to 1.022). I also dropped some non-treated 2x4 pieces in the sump for a matter of seconds. </span>
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<span style="color: black;">Since Sunday the salinity and temp have been stable and at normal stats (1.024 and 79ish). I’ve tested everything and my readings are dead on. </span>
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<span style="color: black;">Any ideas? Would running some carbon help? Or is it just something they will get over? </span>
What's your ph and alkalinty like? Xenia are excellent indicators of changes in ph and alkalinity... They're basically living ph monitors. When they start looking funny I immediately check my ph monitor and check alkalinity and usually they're a bit off and with correction the xenia do their lil dance with ferocity again.
yeah I totaly agree with FutureInterest on this Xenia is a great indicator of pH. My xenia are so fickle some days they are extended and pulsing then ten minutes later they are closed up into little fists. My guess is they will recover and open back up as soon as your tank restabilizes from that tiny shift.
They also like Iodine/ide. If that lever is debunked then they will not look right. How you tried a partial water change?
<span style="color: black;">Ph and alk have been steady, ph 8.4 and alk is a little high (can&#8217;t remember what off the top of my head) but I thought that would only affect the amount of calcium the water could hold. I'll recheck both when I get home. </span>
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<span style="color: black;">The xenia is still pulsing, its just not as large as it normally is. </span>
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<span style="color: black;">I&#8217;m going to do a water change this weekend, I&#8217;ve been doing a 10-14gal every other week. As for Iodine I&#8217;ve never tested for it so I&#8217;m not sure. I&#8217;ve got Iodine to add, although I&#8217;m not a fan of adding stuff I can&#8217;t test for.</span>
Xyzpdq0121;30499 wrote: They also like Iodine/ide. If that lever is debunked then they will not look right. How you tried a partial water change?

I was told that Xenia didn't like Iodine. Do they or don't they

gclackum;30567 wrote: I was told that Xenia didn't like Iodine. Do they or don't they


Does not hurt as far as my research indicates. Read here: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/6279/ArticleXeniaIodide.html">http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/6279/ArticleXeniaIodide.html</a>

Now I strongly suggest potassium iodide over Lugol's due to the harmful oxidizing effects that iodine CAN produce.