Xenia and what?


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Got a small LR from a friend that has some Xenia on it. (the Xenia love his tank so much they spread around alot and he wanted to start cleaning his tank)
I noticed two other small guys on the rock. I'm thinking the one on the left is a feather duster? What is the red'ish round guy near the Xenia on the right? (assuming some sort of Zoo?)
do I need any extra food for these guys?
Agreed with the above assessments on what these are. As for anything extra you'd need to do? Nothing really. Just make sure the rock is getting some light and it should be fine. Nothing there is super demanding of anything.
Don't want to hijack your thread (I agree with the advice already given) but if you or your friend are looking for corals that are as easy to care for and propogate, I have some for sale on my thread called "emergency downsize". Here's a link http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=62337">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=62337</a>
The green palys, brown palys, watermelon mushrooms, leathers, and GSP are all very easy to care for. The Galaxia is also an easy one to care for, but can be nasty to other corals if kept in close proximity, so I would steer you away from those for now until you get a little more experience.