xenia looks bad:(


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Every since my xenia was put in my tank it looks like its deteriorating.
IT will extend and then suck in and out. And the "fingers" look like they're falling apart?????????:eek:

temp: 79
Amm: 0
Nit: 0

Any ideas?

check your pH.......from my experience when xenia is not doing well its almost always a sign of low pH......xenia is one of my favortie corals in the tank because it's like a live PH monitor.
about four days
i dont have anyway to check my ph.
I have a kenya that is doing fine
Maybe your talking about pulsing Xenia which pulls in and out? Are the polyps opening and closing?
you can go to petsmart.....and by the API test kit for $19.

You really need a ph test kit, that being said.......

It's muy experience that xenia reacts to CHANGES in the PH....

Give it a while longer, my xenia didn't actually "pulse" for the first 2 weeks I had it..... They are notorious for taking a while to adjust.
I must second what Dawgdude said about the Xenia with clean water, I have had it in my 75 gallon for about 4 months and it hasn't grown at all. It's healthy but not growing.
its kinda dirty because im trying to make it less clean for the xenia. And its at the top of the tank under 24 watt 12000k lights. So i dont really know unless its my ph.
I always wanted a xenia and heard that they were an easier coral to keep so i thought id try that after the kenya seemed to do ok. Would the ph effect the kenya as well?
yea but they still need a good amount of light. and not many corals dont need alot of light to survive but they need the correct amount of light to thrive and be happy. and do u have a fuge that u can run on a reverse cycle to make the ph mroe stable.
nope im still pretty new to all this. Im hoping that when i get this tank up and going i can move to a bigger tank. Im going to take my water in tomorrow and have the ph tested. So its probably low. What can i do to raise it?
well there are sea buffers and ph stabilizers. also i would make a fuge or sump to run on a reverse cycle if u want to have a full blown reef.
You can still easily have a "Full Blown Reef" without a refugium. I would recommend Kent Marine Super Buffer DKH. I have used it for years and I love it.
Vettesarebest;66266 wrote: You can still easily have a "Full Blown Reef" without a refugium. I would recommend Kent Marine Super Buffer DKH. I have used it for years and I love it.
i know but it makes it easier and better for livestock. and also has a place to store macro.
I've actually had xenia thrive in near perfect water. It does well in my current tank and I know the water in there is super clean. Xenia is one of those funny corals that is easily stress by many different causes.