xenia looks bad:(

Yeah, dawgdude will help you out. I think you should get a dKH test kit also, if you don't already have one.
I really appreciate everybodies help. Ill go to aquarium outfitters tomorrow and get some goodies.....

I dont think its the PH. I thought my Xenia was dying after a week in my tank, when it just needed to acclimate.

You've got a small system, as long as you do your regular water changes, your PH will remain relatively stable, infact, regular water changes is a much better way to stabilize your PH rather than using additives. I've never used a PH booster in my 30 gallon and the PH is about the least of my worries. In fact, if you use an additive for the PH, then you need to check your calcium levels and DKH as well, as PH additives can affect those parameters.

Rather than going down that road, a 25% water change once weekly and calcium levels maintained at 420 with a single additive is much better way to go about it.

You definately need to be able to check your PH as well as all (or most) other parameters.
yea one of the rules for sw dont put anything in ur tank intill u know the sideffects and dont add anything u cant test.
ok well we'll see what athens aquarium tells me tomorrow!!!
But keeping water changes will keep my ph balanced?

I'm shocked that wasn't mentioned earlier in this thread.

When was the last water change?
the point above is avery good one...xenia can deifinitely take a while to acclimate....mine took like a week......but in my opinion, if it goes longer than a week i'd start thinking PH.....and yes water changes stabalize ph very much.....

good luck.
I understand the need for buffers with large systems. A 200g tank would require about a 50g water change once weekly to keep up with the 25% rule</em>, even 10% would be more water than I turn in my display tank, and who has the time for that. Buffering is the way to go on large tanks as it extends the need for water changes.
If on the other hand you have a 25g cube, then a 3g to 5g water change weekly is actually easier than testing for what you need, dosing the tank, and then testing again to check the parameters. As when using additives, thats the way it should be done.
On my 30g, I typically just use two 3g buckets for water changes. One bucket for clean make up water, one for syphoning dirty water. Just the 10% keeps my tank happy, but stick with 20% to 25% (until you're acustom to your tanks needs) and let the water age overnight (preferably with a heater set at tank temperature) before adding it to your tank.
I've personally never had any issues with salt mixes not having the correct amount of buffering agents, but have heard of this happening, but its far from the norm. The Sea-Chem rep at our last meeting hit on that topic for a moment, but again, typically, salt will have the buffers you need.

But do always test your water, at least until you get a feel for your tank.
Nope but the whole thing is almost gone now:eek:

So if anybody wants to donate:thumbs: I was told its was because the lfs i got it from has nitrates off the chart so when i put it in my tank it was "too" clean. So im going to try again mainly because i now know all my levels are good.

well im about to head to that other fish store..... Guess i just wont be buying anything and just admiring what my xenia could have looked like:( Anyways, thanks for everyones help. MAybe the next frag i get will work out alittle better. Also i bought some seachem reef builder but my dkh is 10 so i dont need to add any right?

Yeah they where closed. I just hate to get rid of my peps because i went through so much to find some and since ive had them theyve grown from a half inch to about two inches:( Not to mention they took care of my horrible aptasia problem.
i would just let the xenia die of that stuff grows like a weed and will eventually take over the pepps are worth keeping imho
If you only knew what i had to go through to get those pepps. NO ONE had any for weeks until i found a little hole in the wall pet store that had some....... and they were 2 for $12:)
No it was between pepps or a cleaner and i needed my aptasias gone and wanted a shrimp so they worked out. I want to get this tank going before i spend alot of money on a 55 gallon. I would be willing to buy a frag or two from you. There shouldnt be a problem now.....