Xenia Vs Trigger Fish


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I have a tank with 1 Huma Huma trigger, 1 Blue throat trigger, 1 porcipine puffer, 2 panther groupers, 1 lunar wrasse and a Miniatus grouper. Yes, it is a big tank. I wanted to add some life to it buy adding some of the extra xenia that I got. I was wondering if this would work or would the fish just kill the xenia? Also, how do you keep the algea down in a fish only system with out snails and crabs? My nitrates are low because of my refugium, but the algea is still there (and no it is not cyano). Thanks!
I honestly do not think that those fish will bother the coral. I think those fish will just eat crustaceans and small fish.

Just my $0.02
I agree there shouldn't be a problem. They might knock things over onto it or just annoy it because they are so big but I don't think they will eat it!
I used to have xenia and mushrooms in my tank and my old Huma Huma messed with them. THe blue jaws typically wont. THe groupers will leave it alone too. My huma huma was very aggressive so hopefully not the case with you.

Tsunami wrote: I have a tank with 1 Huma Huma trigger, 1 Blue throat trigger, 1 porcipine puffer, 2 panther groupers, 1 lunar wrasse and a Miniatus grouper. Yes, it is a big tank. I wanted to add some life to it buy adding some of the extra xenia that I got. I was wondering if this would work or would the fish just kill the xenia? Also, how do you keep the algea down in a fish only system with out snails and crabs? My nitrates are low because of my refugium, but the algea is still there (and no it is not cyano). Thanks!

I had this same Question myself about a year ago with my aggressive tank, nobody could say for sure. I tried xenia in mine, The Puffer absolutely loved them, even put on a little size behind them. So I can honestly tell you that yes, they will eventually dissappear.

There are several varieties of aggressive hermits, and starfish that are not reef safe, but work well in an aggressive tank.
Yeah. I found out today that chocolate chip starfish will eat xenia. I thought they would just eat snails and crabs. WRONG!
Tsunami wrote: Yeah. I found out today that chocolate chip starfish will eat xenia. I thought they would just eat snails and crabs. WRONG!

Yeah I spent a few days with the tongs trying to keep my chocolate chip off them, I gave up when I added the puffer, I saw a puffer on the discovery channel on a natural reef nipping off a Monti and crunching it like potato chips. But now we both know why they are called Agressive tanks LOL