Yard Sale?


Staff member
Contest Committee
Reaction score
Stone Mountain
So, you guys always want to know when the next meeting is and I thought I'd give you a behind the scenes peak at what we've got going on. Right now we have tentative dates and topics set up for the March and April meeting. We've all been talking behind the scenes and everything is set to go...and now we wait. Our ducks are in a row but we've got to get confirmation from the venue that the space is available, sign up, drop of the money and then we can officially create a meeting thread. Tentative date for the March meeting is Sunday, March 22nd from 1:00-4:00 at the same location as last time. So, please do pencil that in and we'll have an official announcement for March and April once we get confirmation back from the space.

In the mean time, I want to run a thought past y'all and see what you think - we're thinking about have a Club-wide yard sale. You all could bring some of that used equipment you've been meaning to post to the meeting and we could all buy/sell/trade for stuff we might be able to use. Think of it as a neighborhood yard sale but for the kind of stuff we can use. I've been to a lot of y'all houses and, trust me, there's a lot of unused equipment out there. Our intent is to have some people selling frags (always), have a presentation and then set up additional table where we could display those items that we all have in our possession that we really aren't ever going to use. It seems like a good time but we want to get feedback from y'all. In my head I'm imagining a standard meeting setup with some more table where we could put items that people want to sell. If we get a lot of folks we could put them on the floor like a genuine reef-related swap meet. What do you guys think?
I like the idea; my concern is that people would be interested in it for being sellers and few as buyers. I’m just not sure ARC has the market for such an idea. However, aside from that, it could turn out great!
I have a few things that I'm sure I will never use, but wouldn't bring enough to make it worth listing and selling, I just can't bring myself to throw them away because they might be useful to somebody. The garage sale idea would probably include garage sale pricing and I wouldn't even want the proceeds, I'd just be happy that they were being used and not going in the landfill.
I think this would be a great opportunity for new members to lower the cost of setting up a system wether that be DT or QT. I mean mainly for those who have a tank but no filtration as of yet, no lighting or what or whatever that persons heart desires but wallet won’t allow do to budget and pricing outside of the forum. Often times people get into the hobby not realizing “it ain’t cheap” so maybe they are able to purchase a tank and stand then be forced to wait until they are in a better financial state to purchase other necessities to run a successful reef. As we all should well know each tank is different so maybe that piece of equipment that doesn’t satisfy what your needs maybe could be ideal for the next reefer.
If anyone's curious why we haven't posted an official meeting announcement it's because we've got the request in for the March & April meeting venue and haven't heard back to confirm that we've got the date. It shouldn't be an issue but we're holding off on an official announcement until we get confirmation. In the meantime, please do pencil in March 22nd.
If anyone's curious why we haven't posted an official meeting announcement it's because we've got the request in for the March & April meeting venue and haven't heard back to confirm that we've got the date. It shouldn't be an issue but we're holding off on an official announcement until we get confirmation. In the meantime, please do pencil in March 22nd.
Still waiting to hear back from them. I should get a call today or tomorrow.
Awesome idea. And I don’t think there should be a worry about stuff not selling.... the f I had a dollar for every time I saw something I wanted for sale on the forum only to scroll to the bottom and find that it had sold 5 minutes after being posted...

The main limitation here could be price. Good stuff costs good money. People here are clearly willing to open their wallets... but buyers & sellers need to come prepared to make/take digital payments...
Awesome idea. And I don’t think there should be a worry about stuff not selling.... the f I had a dollar for every time I saw something I wanted for sale on the forum only to scroll to the bottom and find that it had sold 5 minutes after being posted...

The main limitation here could be price. Good stuff costs good money. People here are clearly willing to open their wallets... but buyers & sellers need to come prepared to make/take digital payments...
The club could also facilitate that for those that can’t. Like. You could pay the club PayPal and we could then give that to the seller. That’s something we could plan for and be ready for in advance.
I think it will be a good idea to postpone any meeting or coral frag swap until further notice specially for what we dealing about the Coronavirus