YAY I received my order from saltwaterfish.com


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My first time ever ordering fish online so i was very skeptical. I was preparing myself for the worst. I gotta say when i got my shipment this morning i was more than pleased. All the fish looked super healthy and were lively swimming around. I acclimated them all then put them right into the tank. From now on i will always order from saltwaterfish.com. They even gave me extra hermits and snails. Also there was an extra peppermint shrimp. I was also surprised to see a new shirt with the order for free :) I would highly reccommend this company to anyone. The packaging was excellent, all the bags had plenty water and were sealed tight and they were neatly packed in a cooler. I also ordered a coral that looks great. The prices of the fish cannot be beat, especially compared to an LFS. I went to a LFS this past weekend and was shocked to see some of the prices of the fish I ordered I.E "Niger Trigger $15 LFS $44. Coral beauty $19 lfs $39. Powder Brown Tang $34 LFS $69. Porc Puffer $15 LFS $39. Diamond goby $19 LFS $29. Thats just to name a few. Now I know we should be supporting LFS's but if it is gonna save me a significant anount of money, I would rather order online. The shipping cost was $20.Once again saltwaterfish.com is the shiznit!

I was relatively pleased with my order from them also, though they didn't send me anything extra, and some of the stock was REALLY tiny.

However, most of the stock is still surviving, and I can't blame my losses on the supplier. You ARE paying for shipping, etc., tho, and if you want to pick your fish down to coloration and want to be reasonably certain (by way of inspection) that the animal is healthy and subject to as little stress as possible, it can be pretty hard to beat the LFS, esp. when you only need/want one fish.

Besides, in the end run, I think your LFS is likely to be a bit more helpful, and more likely to come to know you as an individual, unlike the IFS.
yes that is true, if you only want one fish then of course buy from LFS. Siege i did state that i paid shipping $20.
Chris, awsome to hear...

I told ya I loved SWF.com even though I am in the minority there. As long as there is not a problem (which there rarely is with them) it is easy as pie...
I had order from them a few time and was please each time. The last time I order from them their pepperment shirmp was too small for my liking. I call them up and they credit me for it, but I had not order from them since..

AS for LFS with cheaper and healthy fish I recomend Nemo fish store 200%... Most of my fish are from them and their price sometime = online or cheaper and you also get ARC discount with them.
true the peppermint shrimp were kinda small - but they will grow if they don't get eaten :)
I was very pleased with my order from SWF.com my maroons are great and my randalii was great (eventhough i havent seen it since it went in my tank), i wasnt pleased with ricordia but besides that very pleased. Oh and I was very pleased with a green mushroom i got from them!
i was gonna take pics, but my wife let a friend borrow MY digital camera :(
yeah, but really $20 shipping isn't terrible, when you do happen to be buying enough stock that it would have cost you $20 or more in gas going to and from various LFS for sure, not to mention the actual savings... As much of as internet geek as I may be, I still like going to the LFS...

Sometimes it's just nice to be able to see what you're buying, as well as encouraging small-batch quality over raw quantity.
My issues are they label it as Free Shipping which is crap and something that is just untrue. Worse is you don't get the full shipping price until checkout.

Another kinda sucky part is they are credit only if something dies in the guaranteed period. I like a refund or a credit I would use on a dry good later. It just sucks when you lose $30 worth of livestock and have to sit on the credit for ages since you don't want to eat another $20 in shipping just for a critter.

Lastly, they didn't give me a DOA credit from a previous credit. Even though I couldn't find that on their agreement they told me they only guarantee the first shipment not ones paid for via credit.

None of the above is unique to them and several compaines do this, I just wish they would be more upfront. Don't think it would cost them any business and might gain mine back course at this point I want to give my business to the best service companies both locally and online even though I know I am going to pay a few bucks more per product.
I'm not too sure about your choice of livestock... I try not to order things that will eat each other, but I guess that's personal preference :).

Otherwise, I can't say anything bad about SWF. The one thing I've received, a maroon clown is prospering and his stripes finally turned gold :).
FutureInterest;41651 wrote: I'm not too sure about your choice of livestock... I try not to order things that will eat each other, but I guess that's personal preference :).

Otherwise, I can't say anything bad about SWF. The one thing I've received, a maroon clown is prospering and his stripes finally turned gold :).
yeah my maroons strips are also turning gold really nice fish and for $15 you cant beat that deal.
I would add to my first post that I believe SWF to be a quality company and for the price they are probably the best around. Any place else where you get more service the cost is going to be more per item and in some cases a lot more.
futureinterest i will let you know when the fish eat eachother - thanks for the comment and obviously it is my personal preferance otherwise i wouldnt of bought them.