Yellow Eye Tang


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I have a yellow eye tang and I want to add a yellow tang to the tank as well. I was wondering if diffrent types of tangs get along together.
I have both in a 90 and they get along great and even swim together at times.
Good to know I have a 90 gallon as well. Just wanted to check before I go out and buy and yellow tang and it doesn't work out.
ok time for you guys to give me my daily Reef Lesson...... I thought 2 tangs could not be kept in the same tank. Unless it was like a HUGE tank and by HUGE i was thinking like 200g+

i have an 80 gallon would 2 tangs go in there?
well intially I remember hearing that a yellow tang and sail fin tang couldn't go together. So i was curious if that was for all tangs or just those two particular tangs.
when you say two small ones......i already have a yellow......can you give me a couple of examples of what could go with it?
My rule with tangs is never mix two of the same genus. I do break this rule, often, though. But that's the safest way to do it.

The Yellow Tang is Zebrasoma flavescens whereas the Kole Tang is Ctenochaetus strigosus. Other than Yellow Tangs being jerks, you'll be fine. Add the Kole tang first.
ok let me re-phrase that........I already have a yellow tang in my tank. Which tang can i add next.......i would like to have a regal but not sure if that would be a good idea?
The Regal Tang will be fine to add next. Expect some initial aggression from the Yellow Tang anyway. They're jerks like that. It should subside within a few days.