Yellow Tang prices


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Temple, GA
Are yellow tangs the new bitcoin? I went to Premier on Saturday and they had a few various-sized yellow tangs for $400 each. When I bought my little guy two years ago he was $60.
If only I could be that lucky with all of my investments 😂
Its due to Hawaii banning collecting reef fish. Or making it extremely hard too. Not 100% which it is. So anything coming out of Hawaii the price has skyrocketed.
Its due to Hawaii banning collecting reef fish. Or making it extremely hard too. Not 100% which it is. So anything coming out of Hawaii the price has skyrocketed.
Oh I’m aware, I just wasn’t aware of how drastic the price spike was 😂
That’s unreal. Keeping a saltwater fish tank back then must have been so different
Inflation is a bitch. That coupled with actual regulations and limits for harvesting now. 1995 $25 is about $45 now. Preban that's real close to modern YT costs.
Inflation is a bitch. That coupled with actual regulations and limits for harvesting now. 1995 $25 is about $45 now. Preban that's real close to modern YT costs.
That’s a good point. I need to look more into the ban. What was the reasoning for it? Was it environmental? Was it restrictions because of the virus? I wonder when it will be over
I just looked into it. It’s definitely environmental. And as of right now it’s indefinite. Apparently they want to make it so that everyone who takes fish for commercial reasons has to have a commercial marine license. They also want the aquarium fishing industry to complete the “chapter 343 environmental review process”