Zeovit Implementation Thread


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So, I've decided to start doing the zeovit system on my 120 reef tank. I have been in contact with some of the "zeoheads" and have my instructions.

I plan on keeping track of the issues / success following implementation of the system here on this thread.

Yesterday I ordered a starter package from http://www.premiumaquatics.com">www.premiumaquatics.com</a>


According to my research this should get me started.

Also, here are the initial instructions from Alexander at [IMG]http://www.zeovit.com">www.zeovit.com</a>


Hi SMS, would recommend you to start as follows:

First start with the basics products to decrease nutrients:

1. Place 1 liter zeovit in a Zeo Reactor. Water flow around 100 US allons per hour. Connect the reactor pump to a clock timer and run the reactor pump with a 3 hour on / 3 hour off / 3 hour on interval. Please make sure the zeolite is not exposed to air while the pump is switched off. Clean the material daily. Leave the zeolite 4 weeks in the filter until you do the first change out. This is the first changing interval, others could be lengthen to 6 – 8 weeks.

2. Place 0.5 liters activated carbon in a filter sock and keep it in a passive water flow in your sump, changed every 30 days. Knead the carbon daily to keep the surface clean. Most users get perfect results with korallenzucht carbon.

3. Dose 5 drops ZeoBac daily for the first 2 weeks, flowed by a 2 – 3 x weekly dosage of 5 drops. Dose 0.4 ml ZeoStart2 2 x daily (morning & evening). Dose those in front of the Zeo reactor pump while it is switched on. ZeoFood7 (5 drops 2 x weekly) can be used later if cyano have gone.

4. The additional dosage of some food source for the corals works fine. I would recommend to dose 2 drops Pohls Coral Vitalizer daily directly in the tank.

Later on you could use the additional products for coral coloration. Adjust your skimmer to skim wet, keeping it clean to export as much as possible. Do a weekly water change of 5 – 10 % with a good salt.

Try to keep the basic water parameters as stabile as possible in the following ranges:

KH 6.5 – 7.5
Ca 400 – 420 mg
Mg 1250 – 1300 mg
K+ ~ 380 mg

For a nutrient poor environment K+ (potassium) seems to be a important element. I would recommend you to get a test kit for this element also, posting your results.

This is a start-up dosage which might have to be adjusted later.

It seems he is starting me slow with the reactor on then off in 3 hour intervals.

I do need to buy some test kits to keep up with things. I don't think I've EVER owned a K+ kit (potassium), and I need another Mg kit.

At any rate, I SHOULD be setting up late this week, or early next (depending on how fast PA gets things to me).

Again, I'll be setting this up in a small frag tank tied to my main system.

I'll try to post pics and so forth of setup and corals here and there.

Wish me luck.

If you're running zeovit, can/do you need to continue running gfo? Does the zeo plan eliminate both po4 and nitrate?
MvM;578877 wrote: Question:
If you're running zeovit, can/do you need to continue running gfo? Does the zeo plan eliminate both po4 and nitrate?

From what I understand you shouldn't run GFO with zeovit. And in theory it does take care of po4 and nitrate (which I don't have a problem with anyway).

In case you had not found it yet, here is the Zeovit forum....you should be able to get a wealth of info there.

Thanks Acro. I've already signed in and had a lot of questions answered.. the OP included some of the advice they passed along.

Gotta be honest.... there are some INCREDIBLE tanks in the galleries there.

ok .. stuff is due in today :) interested to see what it all looks like.

zeovit items and a nice vertex reactor
Ok so I re ran the return from my frag tank, where the reactor will be, to my main tank return compartment. A few 45s and done.
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It's the pipe w the 45s on it haha
Can this setup be run externally? Thinking about doing it...
Not the reactor he has. It is internal only. There are several different types of Zeo Reactors made. Maybe one of them is external. One common thing about all Zeo reactors, however, is that they all keep the media in a holder that can be physically pumped up and down and turned in the reactor (plunger type arrangement). This releases bacterial slough off in the reactor that gets returned to the main tank as food. The reactor needs to be pumped a couple times a day, I think.
no refugium due to the lack of nutrients? Is this a better option than bio pellets?
It's a DIFFERENT option. A real Zeovit setup is very labor intensive. I like keeping track of stuff, testing, and fine tuning, otherwise I wouldn't have gone this rout. And yes the reactor has to be pumped about 15x 2x a day(at this stage). I am also adding zeobak 1x and Zeovit 2x in .4 ml measurements.

You do this for the first 8 weeks. At that point the media is changed out and you go into a different regime of dosing. Just going on what I've learned so far;) I'm a noob at this, but I seriously want to take it SLOW, since this is an established tank,
Ok here is my frag / zeo setup. Drain goes right into return of the sump and back to display. Hopefully this will keep my drags healthy and fed as well!
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Been dosing 4 days now. I if course can't tell any anything is changing yet...for better or worse.

Reactor is on 3 hours off 3... Cycle. Dosing 2 x day .4 ml zeostart. 1xday 5 drops zeobak. Both dosed in front of the reactor whilst the pump is on. I am also passively running 2cups carbon in the return section of the sump.
Just as a side note. I have cut the LED fixture light power down to 50% white and 60% blue. I use my ALC from the RKL to do this.

I had a conversation with the guy from http://www.rapidled.com">www.rapidled.com</a> the other week and he said that I have about DOUBLE what I need on a tank that depth (I have 24 Crees driven at the correct mA).

That being said I DID build it to go on my display tank which is 24". It went on the 12" frag tank as an after thought. I just forgot to cut down the power... and I wondered why things were starting to bleach haha.

As for the ZEOVIT, things seem to be running well and progressing. I still have some CYNO in my tank around low flow areas. As I understand it the reduction of this bacteria is a sign that the other bacteria (the one I'm dosing) is starting to take over... which is a good thing.
so.. its been a week since I started dosing Zeovit and running the reactor. I think I'm seeing my first small change... (which is a positive one so far).

Since I've had this tank (acrylic) I've had a minor issue with brown algae ... short knap stuff... hitting the acrylic panes. No big deal. I just use my massive power magnet to wipe it off. I generally clean it once every other day to keep things nice n fresh looking. I also have a standing issue (if even a VERY small one) with cyano around a few low flow areas, but nothing that gets worse... just stays the same all the time.

Today I noticed that there is VERY little of the brown algae on the panes, and its been nearly 4 days since I cleaned it. Also, those low flow cyano stands seem to be shrinking by 50% or so.

I haven't done a water change since I started zeo. To my knowledge nothing else in the tank has changed.

I'll continue to post progress / issues that may arise.
jhutto;579629 wrote: no refugium due to the lack of nutrients? Is this a better option than bio pellets?

I've NEVER had a refugium on any tank..... ever.

Alright. All is well so far. Going into week 3 and 4 now. I will decrease the dosage of ZB to 3 dops 2x / week instead of every day. And keep dosing ZS 2x / day at .4 ML.
