Zeovit Implementation Thread

SnowManSnow;583556 wrote: nothing else to note really.

still VERY early in the system

Hey bro, when I started using the elos version they said it would clean the water up so much that some of my corals could possibly bleach, and after about a month, no lighting changes, corals that had been in for a long long time began to bleach, so just watch for it so you can adjust you lighting until they adapt! Overall your gonna love the system. It's great and your corals will LOVE it:)
note: Getting a pretty severe cyano outbreak today.

I imagine it is because my ZB hasn't colonized appropriately yet, and I'm still dosing ZS (which could be fueling the cyanobacteria instead of the strains I'm trying to culture).

Ill check with the zeoheads and see what they have to say.

Pics of cyano

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i had the same thing happen to me after i upped the media ammounts, you need to be around 1/2 of what the directions say, and that meand dose half the micro bacter 7 and bio fuel, slowly ramp up over time
stoney1118;583776 wrote: i had the same thing happen to me after i upped the media ammounts, you need to be around 1/2 of what the directions say, and that meand dose half the micro bacter 7 and bio fuel, slowly ramp up over time

I'm starting REALLY low dosages so far. Basically, I'm going on what the guys at http://www.zeovit.com">www.zeovit.com</a> say to do. It was a little slower start since I'm working with an established tank I believe.

I heard back from one of the guys there.. this is what he suggested:

Add an extra powerhead intank temporarily as this will speed the recovery.Siphon the cyano biomass daily if feasible. Obtain & dose SP[sponge power] 1 drop/25g net daily for 5-7 days, then 3x's/wk. This supercharges the zeo-bacteria to out-compete the other stuff. Double your Bak amount for the next wk. or 10 days[6 drops 3x's/wk] & reduce Start to 0.3ml 2x's/day & these adjustments should clear cyanobacteria.

So.. my question is.. does anyone have ZeoSponge they don;t use that I can buy from them? If not I'll order some tomorrow.

Don't know much about Zeo, but looking at the pic, I'm assuming that the cyano is feeding off of excess nutrients in the sand bed. IME, cyano only happens in new tanks OR when excess nutrients are introduced in overfeeding or in established tanks when die off (dead fish/inverts) occurs. That being said, I bet you have a pretty big build up of nutrients in your sand bed which is feeding off of the zeo you're dosing. This is the reason I prefer BB setups. The amount of nutrients that sand holds, whether thought to release into the water column or not, has to have an effect on water quality. Maybe way off base, JMO.
MvM;584133 wrote: Don't know much about Zeo, but looking at the pic, I'm assuming that the cyano is feeding off of excess nutrients in the sand bed. IME, cyano only happens in new tanks OR when excess nutrients are introduced in overfeeding or in established tanks when die off (dead fish/inverts) occurs. That being said, I bet you have a pretty big build up of nutrients in your sand bed which is feeding off of the zeo you're dosing. This is the reason I prefer BB setups. The amount of nutrients that sand holds, whether thought to release into the water column or not, has to have an effect on water quality. Maybe way off base, JMO.

I think you're on the right track. My sand bed isn't deep by any means, but I'm sure it does hold nutrients. I believe the problem is that the actual ZEO BACTERIA hasn't taken hold yet, therefore the existing cyano is probably using the ZEO START as food.

As previously posted I'm cutting back the ZEO START and doubling the ZEO BACTERIA for 7 days. I also have something called SPONGE POWER on order that is suppose to help the ZEO BACTERIA get a foot hold, and eventually starve out the cyano.

Thanks for the input :) I have a water change all ready to go, I'll be vac'ing the sand this time to pull out what I can... it isn't really deep enough to be a danger if stirred :)

I'll keep posted how things go. :)

Well, if you want to remove it, use a 1/2" to 1" diameter hose from HD depending on how course your sand is to suck the sand out. I've done it several times to remove sand beds in their entirety. The crud and sand are both sucked out, so no need to worry about polluting the tank water.
Good idea :) but I'm keeping my sand :) Just going to clean it a little. There wouldn't be any way to remove it all anyway ...

Update. I have been running double the dose of ZB and cut down on the ZS in order to give the ZB a leg up.

2 days ago I did a 15g WC and cleaned the SB. As of today I haven't seen cyano return on the sand.

There is still a little cyano on a few low flow area rocks, but overall it looks like the cyano is down (at least for now).

OK the cyano is MUCH less than it was a week ago. Since that time I have doubled my ZB dosing. Cut my ZS dosing by .2 ML /day, and began dosing 6drops of SP to help the ZB take hold and choke out the cyano.

Water parameters appear to be steady. Corals are growing as usual.

The reactor / pump / all that stuff are holding up great.
Today's pic. Much less cyano. Corals doing great. Very fast explosive growth on my cup....????

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Dosing regime has changed a little.

in order to help the zeobak take ahold I have gone to 6 drops of sponge 2x day and 6 drops of ZB 2x day. I dose SZ only once at .4 ML

The reactor now runs four hours on and 3 off instead of 3 and 3.

Corals growing good. Its still too soon to note any difference in growth. I have noticed a few of the corals have better coloring, particularly zoas and blue / purple sps corals.

From what I understand it is a little harder to get things going in an established reef tank. IF it were a new setup the dosing would be more aggressive.

At any rate.. its fun and I believe will pay off in the long run!

Thanks for checking in!

OH.. IF anyone is interested or wondering where I'm getting my advice here is my thread at zeovit.

OK It's been a while since I updated.

There are actually some visible changes in my corals (which probably means there are some sizable bacterial changes going on FINALLY).

What I have been noticing. SUPER polyp extension during day AND night. Corals like my staghorn look plain furry. Other corals that don't have as MANY polyps (or as close together) also exhibit good extension.

As far as the color goes I have noticed a slight change in SOME corals. For instance my ORA Birds Nest actually has nice colored skeletal tissue for once. The ORA PearlBerry also looks much more colorful with color all over instead of mostly on the tips.

I can't really tell a big difference in any of my softies. They appear happy as normal.

One other change that is easily noticed is that my cyano is finally going AWAY! Hopefully this means that the bacteria that I've been introducing is gaining ground and choking out the cyano.


The reactor is now running 24/7 at the recommended flow rate (the pump is cut WAY down from full throttle)

I have cut my dosing back to the recommended schedule

I am dosing
ZS 1x ML /Day
ZB 6x D /2 x Week ( I plan on reducing this as the ZB becomes stronger in the tank)
SP 1x D /Day
ZF 4x D /Week