Zoa Growout Contest Idea


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Hey everyone, hope you all are enjoying your summer. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a zoa grow out contest. Not sure if something like this has happened in the past or if people know what I mean so I’ll briefly explain.

Zoa Growout Contest:

Its in the name, everyone starts with one polyp of the same zoa and sees who gets best growth and coloration. Usually someone will donate a big colony to frag up and then someone glues the polyps on individual plugs. Everyone pays like $5-$15 for a frag and all that money goes into a prize pot.(and/or to pay the person for the colony they donated) Each month or so people post update photos in a dedicated thread to track progress and share supplements or what lights they are using. At the end of the time period (say the contest is 6 months) everyone takes a picture of their zoas/colony and then everyone votes on 1st 2nd and 3rd or we can do categories, like best color and size, etc. If this idea goes through I can talk to the forum manager and staff to see what I can do, and I can make a dedicated thread with more in depth rules and guidelines etc. I think this would be fun but if you see something wrong with this idea or are thinking of something else please feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks for your time,

I love this idea!  I'd join and I think many others would too.  We would need some basic rules and a few folks or BoD members to be the contest judges.  I also think a monthly check in/photos would be cool and keep folks engaged.  Maybe 3 prizes $100, $50 & $25. COULD RAISE SOME FUNDS FOR THE CLUB TOO.
Sweet, I will work out the details of a private thread. I don’t personally have a big zoa colony to frag out so I will just say this. If someone can donate a colony that would be great. The size of the colony will depend on how many people join. I can do the fragging and glueing because I proposed he Idea, and I already have a decent amount of plugs and glue. We could also reach out to fish stores to see if they want to sponsor the contest and donate a colony of zoas. Let me know what you think.
I don't believe I could possibly win a prize but I'm in, I'm sure I would be able to learn a ton from everybody so I would win that way.
Bret, if you're OK with it I'll take this on as the Club contact/Mod for the project.  I'll also be participating so I can't be one of the judges. I'll also go on record as donating any prizes I qualify for back to the club to generate revenue.

I think this should be a public forum so everyone can watch, follow the progress and join in the fun. That will also generate some advertising should we get a sponsor to donate a colony for the contest.  Maybe we can include a "peoples choice" winner as well, we can add a voting poll to the thread?

SPONSORS - If your reading this then maybe you already see a benefit to step up and donate a colony of zoas for the contest.  Your store will receive full credit for sponsoring the contest, store name will be in the Thread title.  Think about it, this is your target audience and you will get a lot of club and club member attention.  Might even be possible to hold a club meeting to award the winners at your store!!!

John, please PM me your contact number...
I love the idea of a public thread where even non participants can watch others progress. People’s choice winners and or a judges panel would be both great ideas for the contest. I think if we can get a sponsor then host a meeting with the winning results at that sponsors desired location/store that would be a lot of fun and a great opportunity for them to gain some new customers and maybe sell other things at that meeting as well. I hope we can work out something fun for everyone!
stevenlburton "I don’t believe I could possibly win a prize but I’m in, I’m sure I would be able to learn a ton from everybody so I would win that way."
That's the spirit, It's all about participating and getting involved with the club members. Its a coral club and its suppose to be fun, this is what a lot of us are passionate about. Get involved, have some fun, maybe win a prize and possible learn something along the way...
I bet I can kill a zoa faster than anyone but I'd love to throw one in my tank - maybe my zoa luck has changed.
Lmm1967 "I bet I can kill a zoa faster than anyone but I’d love to throw one in my tank – maybe my zoa luck has changed."
Oh man we need you in this contest..."roll the dice".
I think its a great idea!  Im in full support of whatever the consensus is.  Ill create a forum this afternoon and well move forward.
Great idea, I'd be interested for sure! Maybe to provide incentive for sponsors donate a portion of the money raised and instead make the rewards gift cards?
John is working on the rules for the contest and as soon as they are completed we will add them to the new Contest's forum and we will get started on the competition.  :)
Ya. Typical fashion. Work got busy, tank wasn't doing well, stepped away. The tank is spotless now and things are turning around.

Hope things are well with you?