Zoa growth results - personal experience . Free polyps


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I wanted to see the different growth rate of "high end" zoa/paly and determined for myself if they were worth the price tag that went along with them.

All zoa/ paly started from 1 head and were placed relatively close to one another in relatively the same depth and flow.

Lighting - T5HO, 6.5 hour photo period
Ca 420-480
Mag 1320-1450
Alk 9.0-9.5( don't know why could be test kits)
Nitrate 0-2
Ammonia 0
Phosphate <.05

Test subjects, results are (#) at the end With price per polyp ( estimated)

Lord of the Rings (7) 3-5 PP, one of my favorite , fast growth .

Purple Hornet (4) 20-45 PP , IMHO one of the most over rated coral in the world. I don't understand their value and my bf's facination in them. For the price they are set at I expected them to be a slower grower.

Blue Hornet (6) 20-35PP , I love this coral it has very nice edge toons with the gorgeous blue and yellow. Much better looking than purple to me

Res Hornet (16) 15-40PP , these polyps are ridiculously fast growers. When my boyfriend said his main colony gets 1-2 new polyps practically Dailey I didn't think he was serious . They should be like 1 dollar per polyp.

Black Hornet (1.5...kinda) 200+ this thing is ugly. It's black witha white mouth... For 200??? It didn't grow much ... I guess that's where the rarity part comes in.

Darth Maul (newer polyp started on recently 3) 20-40PP, huge polyps and very nice under LED actinic. Too fast to be worth the price tag IMO

Nightmare (0) 20-40, like it's name implied this was a horrible coral to grow. It was finicky kept growing and dying. I hate this stupid polyp, it died on me!!

Purple People Eater (2) 10-45PP , over sized joker zoas. Nothing that really impressed me about color or growth. Slower grower.

Red Devil People Eater (3) 300PP, ridiculously priced. Growth is fast but the color takes a while to come in and head size takes time to grow. I noticed head would get overlapped easily.

This is personal experiences results might differ from tank to tank.

My boyfriend has given me permission to give away some of the polyps with the exception of the black hornet and red devil people eaters. So I will bring them to the next meeting if I remember and have them raffles off or something. Or however the event holder wants to do.

Disclaimer - I am learning to frag so these are my test subjects. I don't expect
all of them to survive
Would he be willing to sell a RDPE or black hornet? He was gonna frag some black hornets awhile back, but I guess he's been banned since and I never heard back.
nice write up! ^ yeah, I was wondering the same thing. 1 month? 2?


1mbrews8;692694 wrote: ... I was wondering the same thing. 1 month? 2? ...

I'd like to know this too. Over what period of time was this test?

Was the orginal frag poly freshly cut or healed?

Also, what was your PAR and flow?

Very interesting study. :shades:

Heyitsmirix3;692636 wrote: I wanted to see the different growth rate of "high end" zoa/paly and determined for myself if they were worth the price tag that went along with them.

All zoa/ paly started from 1 head and were placed relatively close to one another in relatively the same depth and flow.

Lighting - T5HO, 6.5 hour photo period
Ca 420-480
Mag 1320-1450
Alk 9.0-9.5( don't know why could be test kits)
Nitrate 0-2
Ammonia 0
Phosphate &lt;.05

Test subjects, results are (#) at the end With price per polyp ( estimated)

Lord of the Rings (7) 3-5 PP, one of my favorite , fast growth .

Purple Hornet (4) 20-45 PP , IMHO one of the most over rated coral in the world. I don't understand their value and my bf's facination in them. For the price they are set at I expected them to be a slower grower.

Blue Hornet (6) 20-35PP , I love this coral it has very nice edge toons with the gorgeous blue and yellow. Much better looking than purple to me

Res Hornet (16) 15-40PP , these polyps are ridiculously fast growers. When my boyfriend said his main colony gets 1-2 new polyps practically Dailey I didn't think he was serious . They should be like 1 dollar per polyp.

Black Hornet (1.5...kinda) 200+ this thing is ugly. It's black witha white mouth... For 200??? It didn't grow much ... I guess that's where the rarity part comes in.

Darth Maul (newer polyp started on recently 3) 20-40PP, huge polyps and very nice under LED actinic. Too fast to be worth the price tag IMO

Nightmare (0) 20-40, like it's name implied this was a horrible coral to grow. It was finicky kept growing and dying. I hate this stupid polyp, it died on me!!

Purple People Eater (2) 10-45PP , over sized joker zoas. Nothing that really impressed me about color or growth. Slower grower.

Red Devil People Eater (3) 300PP, ridiculously priced. Growth is fast but the color takes a while to come in and head size takes time to grow. I noticed head would get overlapped easily.

This is personal experiences results might differ from tank to tank.

My boyfriend has given me permission to give away some of the polyps with the exception of the black hornet and red devil people eaters. So I will bring them to the next meeting if I remember and have them raffles off or something. Or however the event holder wants to do.

Disclaimer - I am learning to frag so these are my test subjects. I don't expect
all of them to survive

I have a 'newbie' question. I just got a frag that has Xenia and one zoa/poly on it. The Zoa is red/dark orange with a blue/black mouth. What is it?
The par was at the bottom at about 90-135. Flow was relatively medium but it was a lot o turbulence. I did planned on running this seperately from the main tank but it was just going to be too much work. I didn't get all the details because I was new and Thanh was kinda busy so we didn't get all the results checked. I did start a sps write up but it was deleted for some reason, so I didn't write anything else on it. But I will post pic and results on that later.
slowjazz;692704 wrote: I have a 'newbie' question. I just got a frag that has Xenia and one zoa/poly on it. The Zoa is red/dark orange with a blue/black mouth. What is it?

Without a picture that'll be near impossible.

Start a new thread and add a picture... probably the best way to get an answer without hijacking this thread.
slowjazz;692704 wrote: I have a 'newbie' question. I just got a frag that has Xenia and one zoa/poly on it. The Zoa is red/dark orange with a blue/black mouth. What is it?

Thanh might know if you had a good pic. Actually if u get a good pic and post it, I'm sure someone will chime in.
And these were fresh cuts, but skinned scrapped. The polyps were "peeled" instead of slicing thru the stalk. This method produces a faster "healing" time, but takes longer for new polyps to grow back from dissected area. Literally i could frag using this method and polyps open fully within 30 min -1 hour.
Heyitsmirix3;692636 wrote: I wanted to see the different growth rate of "high end" zoa/paly and determined for myself if they were worth the price tag that went along with them...

I think that they are "high end" and thereby command a high price due to their beauty and overall scarcity; not necessarily due to their slow growth like Blue Tubs.

Still, I really found this thread to be very valuable.

