Zoa Pox


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Warner Robins
ok i did 2 furan 2 treatments and it still coming back im not infested but still have it. So i moved all zoas to 40 gallon breeder and poured in 2 packets furan 2. im going to treat the tank as a whole. Anyone ever fight this ANY TIPS?
I beg to differ - if you treat pox 2x and it keeps coming back then yes, your tank is indeed infested.

As per your 9/24 post on this - I had the same situation happen. Try a different antibiotic. A single cephalexin 250mg capsule (mixed into 1/4 gallons of used tank water), dip affected zoas for 20-30 minutes, repeated for 5-6 days worked well for mine a couple years back. But that was treating 3-4 moderately grown out frags in a nano tank, not multiple 100+ polyp colonies... I do not know how extensive the problem is in your case.

I assume the 40B is zoas-only at this point & no other livestock? If yes, that's a good idea as you can cycle the infection through any untreated zoas left behind. Also keep in mind that the medication's concentration on that size tank will be way lower than the dip outlined on Zoaid - maybe too low to actually treat the problem, you might need more.
i found 3 frags today with 1-3 spots. I re dipped everything 30 mins now i have 3 packets to 40 gallons dont want to kill off all the zoas i lost 10 percent as it is hoping this will do the trick
It's an opportunistic bacterial infection and usually comes in on new acquisitions that have experience fragging stress, shipping stress, new-addition-to-tank stress, water quality stress both from source and destination tanks (you get the idea) - the exact cause is unknown but these can all contribute to whether zoas develop the characteristic lesions & start to die. It also seems some morphs are more prone to it. In my case, "radioactive dragon's eyes".

Once in your tank it can easily spread to otherwise healthy colonies. And can come back after clearing up for a while.
MarquiseO;989159 wrote: How do you get zoapox? I have never encountered it before.

I got mine i picked up a few frags at reef shac and the magicians i picked up had it i didnt see it and now its spreading.
Also, treatment with meds don't cure over night. It takes atleast 2 weeks of constant dosing.
MarquiseO;989238 wrote: Iodine dips don't work?

Try ciprofloxacin.

I have one more treatment of furan 2 today im about to do. i ordered some fish flex (ciprofloxacin

) off ebay should be here monday if the furan 2 dont work
UPDATE: Just did my last furan 2 treatment. This was treatment #3. No visable sign of the pox going to give it a 48 hours break and see what happens. If it comes back i will go with the ciprofloxacin. I ordered 500 mg tablets. out of 121 frags of zoas i lost 10 not so bad almost all my red people eaters died and didnt make it.
No don't stop. Continue on using. Even though it may not be visible(symptoms) the bacteria is still present. Keep dosing in the mean time.
MarquiseO;989293 wrote: No don't stop. Continue on using. Even though it may not be visible(symptoms) the bacteria is still present. Keep dosing in the mean time.

should i dose it? i was removing the frags and dipping it says to give the frags a break after the 3rd dip
Setup a quarantine tank and dose it. The bacteria may still be in your main tank. All you are doing is killing it on the frag and it is getting it back once you place it in your display. Your main display may have to go without zoas for a while.

Here is another way for you to see the situation: If your doctor prescribes you antibiotics, would you stop taking the antibiotics when you think you feel better or until the prescription runs out, which in most cases, stated by the doctor?
can i just dose my whole frag tank i can cut the flow to it off its tired into my display. all my frags are in that tank.
jrhunter0000;989303 wrote: can i just dose my whole frag tank i can cut the flow to it off its tired into my display. all my frags are in that tank.

It's going to kill all the beneficial bacteria in your display.
Ok. The bacteria in the main display will die off or go dormant when their isn't any zoas in the display to infect.

You are removing all the zoas and placing them in quarantine so you can properly dose them. It's a possibility that your zoas can develop immunity to zoa pox during the treatment. If you want to save your current zoas, quarantine and dose them in a steady regiment.

If you add the furan 2 or ciprofloxacin to the main display, it will kill all the beneficial bacteria along with the zoa pox bacteria. Which means your tank will uncycle. Also, traces of the medication will remain absorbed in the rock and may leech out if used again which will ruin your restart.
MarquiseO;989308 wrote: Ok. The bacteria in the main display will die off or go dormant when their isn't any zoas in the display to infect.

You are removing all the zoas and placing them in quarantine so you can properly dose them. It's a possibility that your zoas can develop immunity to zoa pox during the treatment. If you want to save your current zoas, quarantine and dose them in a steady regiment.

If you add the furan 2 or ciprofloxacin to the main display, it will kill all the beneficial bacteria along with the zoa pox bacteria. Which means your tank will uncycle. Also, traces of the medication will remain absorbed in the rock and may leech out if used again which will ruin your restart.

thanks for the info. Im going to set up a 20 gallon now. Use tank water or new water?
You can use either but your quarantine will be a tank of its own once you start. No more tank water introduction to that tank. Make sure you remove every bit of zoanthids/palythoas.