Zoa's disappearing.


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:shout:I have been having problems with my candy canes and my torch. Everything that I have tried has not worked. So on some advice from someone I went and got some Melafix and I am on day 4 of treating the tank. I thought that the same problem was affecting them but everthing else looks the same and not worse. :eek:But now the zoas are disappearing. Any one have any advice?:eek:

Thanks in advance.
Water is in line with all the past test. I was told when it all started that it may be a fish trying to eat the torch. But I watched the tank and no fish went near it. Nothing new has been added for a couple of months. So I have no clue. All fish are doing fine.
just because you didn't see a fish do it doesn't mean it isn't a fish

I have never seen my flame angel eating my xenia, but I know it's him doing it.. and it took him 4 months to figure out that he enjoyed xenia
the nitrate, nitrite,and ammonia are 0. the ph is 8.0.phosphate is 0. the calcium is 450. I can not remember the other test results off the top of my head.
My Zoa's where disappearing. They looked like someone took a weed whacker to them. Mowed them clean down to the rock.

Through the process of elimination, I removed fish after fish. Finally, I remove the orange spot rabbit fish. I never saw him eat a zoa, but the zoa's have been doing fine ever since I removed him from the tank.
The rocks that the zoa's are on look like there have never been any on it. Not even a trace of where something could of been eating on them.

Just came back from the only lfs here in town and all they could say is that we need to check the water again and see what it maybe. This is very dishearting.
I assume you have checked your salinity? Do you have kids that could have dumped anything in the tank?
Mine looked the same way after the rabbit fish finished his meal. Interestingly enough, after several weeks I am now seeing very small zoas reappearing on the rocks.
I would be happy to stop by and help if you want to try another test kit or anything
The fish that I have as of now are:
Fox face (Foxy)
Lawnmower Blenny (Spot)
Bi Color Angel (Zipploc)
Fire Angel (Sam)
Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish (Ruby)
Ocellaris Clownfish (Righty)
Sailfin ( as of now the name is brat)
Yellow Tang (Sun Shine)
Blue Tang (Dorie)
2 Green Cromis (I think that is the right spelling) (They do not have names)
Six Line Wrass (Pain)
Some kind of urchin ( It just showed up one day)
1 cleaner shrimp
And a few snails and small crabs
That is all I think at this time.

Smoothie if things dont start to improve I may get you to but I am going to give it 3 more days. That will be the end of the treatment with the melafix. And also a water change. Thank you for the offer.
Find out what kind of urchin it is please. With the 2 angels I would set up a video camera and find out which of the 2 it may be
Angels, crabs and urchins are all suspect, I had trouble with my torch and zoas and found out my alkalinity was dropping every day, I dose daily now and everything really improved. Ken
Most of the fish I have had for over a year. The foxface has been in there about 4 months and the sailfin for a month in this tank.
I got up really early this morning before the lights came on and what did I find? I have flat worms in my tank. That is just another nail in the tank. So now I have to treat for them. What have you all found works best?
Odd considering you have a six-line. I know velvet nudi's eat them. If you can't fw dip them and go chemical flatworm exit seems to work and tropic marin is a little more gentle than that with corals.
Jim had told me yesterday that if I did find any flat worms that I needed to use flatworm exit. So I guess I will be off back to Jims for that. This is getting to be a little aggervating. I need some good news from the tank instead of all this bad.
Yeah I just left there and he has some on the shelf. Also has an arrow crab that will help. With the flat worm exit you will need to syphon out the dead ones. I'm sure he's tell you all about it. Good luck!
I already have one of those also. He just stays under the monti and does not like to move from there.