120 Build Thread


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Well after much though I think I am going to downsize(nothing for sale)
Im am picking up a pretty much new 120,Canopy,Stand from Sal tomorrow.
Getting a newer sump to use from Mike on Saturday, Hoping to have all the plumbing and all the water)from current tank and quite a bit of rock from the standing tank so I am hoping for no cycle, Even going to trade in all the fish I have currently to cut down on the price. So I will be starting from scratch again as far as fish goes, keeping all my corals so that can get me restarted.
Thought about going the Closed Loop route but decide against it for personal reasons, will be running a Mag12 for the dual Returns and my new 2x250 SE halides as the only light source and my CSS220 for a skimmer. If anyone has any other idea just let me know..
Pics to start coming tommorow
Hope all goes well. I used your link to the RODI on ebay. I have not installed it yet. So thanks for the heads up on that. Have fun with the new tank set up.
Son of Adam;234456 wrote: Hope all goes well. I used your link to the RODI on ebay. I have not installed it yet. So thanks for the heads up on that. Have fun with the new tank set up.
Hope it works out for you as well as mine has..Its going to get some use in the next couple days lol
Anyone care to help me come up with a stocklist... Not sure what all small fish out there go well together.. I have been used to buying larger growing fish for awhile so I never paid attention to the smaller fish, going to trade out both tangs,trigger,and wrasse so I will have no fish what so ever, so I am hoping for a good ammount of smaller fish that can work in a 120, got a bigg enough skimmer and stay on my WC routine very good so I am hoping to have a good ammoujnt of fish anyone got a rough stock list and I am all ears
so you guys made a deal for it huh, your a fast mover lol. i love gobies myself never had any problem keeping 3-4 diff kinds together. mandarins are always cool, coral beauty. hmm my brain just quit ill be back with more ideas.
steve aka the guy gettin b###ed at by his g/f lol
also want any help in setup etc let me know i got the weekend free cept for later sunday.
Iplan on trying to get most of it swapped over and up and running on sunday. All help is welcomed I have to take the rock out of the other tank scrub it down [algae issues that I don't want to jump start into this tank] some plumbing and a nice clean test run. I will pick up the sump sat. And will start then. I have enough 1" pvc so hopefully I won't need to buy anymorem need to make sure its one inch return instead of 3/4 if so I will have to buy a run of pipe and some T's. If you have some time sunday I would love for you to come snd help me a john out.. Have to remount the halides from my new canopy to the newer canopy also
firefish are sweet everytime ive seen one at a lfs the had already sold him lol. what time you thinking of starting sunday? only reason i wont have the night is my dad is comin down from PA for a couple days said he should be in town about 5-6. call me if you want 214-288-0972. i have some 1in 90deg elbows layin around if youll need em and im pretty sure they are 1 in on that tank.im like 4 miles from SWC how far from there to your place?
About 20 to 30 minutes or so.. I might need about 4 to 5 1" elbows if you can supply them I can give you a bag og 3/4 elbows.. I'll prolly start early sunday morn around 9 or so
early works for me ive got a whole bag(10) of 1in 90s so no prob, how close is your place to dallas since i may need to go get some rock for a sweet deal 30-40 lbs for 40 bucks time to restart my 30g.
He is just outside Dallas. I'm going to get his sorry rear up early sunday LOL. Only reason I cant help Saturday is the tour of tanks which I'm trying to drag him on too.
actually ansly your goin to get this guys sump if you wouldnt mind if you got an extra 50 bucks grab the rock and sand from him and ill get you back when i get there sunday pm me you address also so i can get directions. i forgot all about the tour of tanks, id be willin to go if you guys wanna meet up somewhere around SWC.
Barbara;234581 wrote: Doc, if you're willing to wait about a month to a month and a half before building your "reef", you should just cook your LR again. That will get rid of the algae without having to sterilize it, and you'd get a major jump start on your pod population. Just put the rock in a big rubbermade tote or two with a powerhead and a heater and a top (to keep the light out) for a month and the algae will be gone.

As for a stock fish list, I'd go for:

a pair of clowns and an anemone or a big frogspawn. I personally like the anemones, but they do tend to wander around sometimes, and will kill most corals that they walk across, but they sure are pretty. A frogspawn will get really puffy and look a lot like a nem during the day when the lights are on, so you can still get the cool effect, but the FS won't walk around the tank killing stuff. Just a matter of personal preference there.

In addition, get some fairy and/or flasher wrasses. Now these little buggers are jumpers, so secure your tank accordingly, but there's no comparison to the color and activity.

A couple blennies and gobies will add personality and interest as they tend to pop in and out of caves, holes, sand, etc.

A jawfish or an engineer goby acts and looks much like an eel, without the rude habits that eels have for eating your other favorite fishes.

And finally, smaller yellow, blue, purple or even sailfin tang(s) would be fine in that 140 and would add some variety.

That would be the beginning of my stock list if I started over. Matter of fact, that's pretty much some of what I have in my 90!

Oh, and a serpent star. The least aggressive of the long-legged stars, and if anything dies, you don't have to worry about finding it 'cause the star will take care of it for you!


Oooh! And a foxface. Can't forget the foxface. There are a few types out there, but I have the plain ole one spot foxface, and he is the most polite, docile fish in the tank. Love him!
Thats pretty much the list I had floating around in my head...Thanks for the 2nd's on my thought..Warped minds think alike
I think I am going to 86's all the tangs.. DOnt feel comfy putting a Tang in a tank that is less then 6' in length..Personal prefrence
Getting the tank in place
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Painted the back
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Me and shromy taking a break
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Finishing the plumbing
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Full of water !!!!
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New sump and making sure no leaks
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Full of Rock!!!! YAY!!
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John looking tired
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So here is what Im thinking for a stock list

A pair of ocellaris clowns
Engineer Goby
Six Line Wrasse
Couple of Puple fire fish

What do you guys think? I know I can add some more just looking for some ideas while I wait to make sure my recycle is quick

Big thanks to John (Johnr2604) and Steve (Shromy) for the help today, And SAL!!! for the sweet hook up!!