20 Gal Start-Up @ Day #1

blind1993;60627 wrote: but doesnt the mag have more psi.
Yes. From what I can tell, the Mag one is a bigger skimmer than the one that Doug has.

Upside is that you'll have a skimmer that can grow into a new tank with you. The downside is that you'll be eating up a fair chunk of interior room with a pump that's approximately 5"x4"x4" and, as mentioned, putting a fair amount of heat into the mix, too.

This is a softies tank, correct? Get a Seaclone. With a little adjustment, they're perfectly good for a fish only or softies tank.
George;60671 wrote: This is a softies tank, correct? Get a Seaclone. With a little adjustment, they're perfectly good for a fish only or softies tank.

Well, this is actually a I-dont-know-what-it's-going-to-be tank. Only 20 gals and a small sump/fuge. Looking into an in-sump skimmer if that is feasible.

Will research the Seaclone. Thanks!
The sump is tiny it will have to be an hob skimmer period.

Need to look at the prizm or a bak pak like yours.

<span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: blue;">Loren W.</span></span>
Get this skimmer from Sam it is the perfect size and works really well you cant go wrong.
This tank has actually been taken down. The drilled 20g will probably end up being the fuge for my 90g display. I'm considering a show-fuge that would sit up above a 30g sump. (Hoping Bryan can show me how he did his.)

Bleedingthought;81057 wrote: So, no tank for the kid? :D

Yes, but it'll be a nano that is more self-contained. There were just too many add-ons to this set-up.
I don't mean to offend anyone here who uses the following (they can all be successful):

For the future, I would recommend avoding:
Bak-Pak (or most CPR products for that matter)
Fission Nano-Skimmer

Seaclone (aka "Seaclown"): you get exactly what you pay for it. Not too much.
Bak-Pak: see Seaclone.
Nano-Skimmer: see Bak-Pak. :)
Prizm: see Nano-Skimmer.
Remora: you don't get what you paid for. It's better than the others, and definitely does fine on a small tank <30G, but for the price tag it's ridiculous. You could get an Octopus NW150 for less than a Remora, and it can handle 75-100 gallons out-of-the-box. I don't know about their HOB models, but their in-sumps are good. A bit bigger than your standard HOB, too, but well worth it for their price tag. Asthetics are the only reason I would ever get something other than an Octo if I plan to spend <$200.
Linda, I have the Aqua C Remora, and I plan to hang it on my sump.... If that would work for your setup, it would be a great skimmer and keep it out of the tank....