2023 ARC Holiday Party

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We will be setting up a “yard sale” table for members to put this free or for sale items on. We will have post it notes to leave your name and price on the item. If you decide to go home before the party is over please be sure to take your item with you.
We will not be responsible for any items left.
Do you have a schedule yet like what time any raffles or prizes would be handed out? Not sure if I'll be able to stay the whole time
We are 6 days away from this years Holiday party!! Supporting members raffle will be held at 245!
It’s not to late to become a supporting member either 😉
I won't be able to stay long and I'm bringing a frag for another member. Is there someone coming that can hang onto it until he gets there?
I should be there when you get there. What time are you planning to arrive there? I will make sure that I am there then.
I’ll be bringing my 2 yr old with me, not sure how to update the rsvp to include her.
We got you. The best way is just to leave the additional people you are bringing in the posts. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you!
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