230 Gallon System (92G Corner Tank) Build w/PICS


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I knew I would have to be patient. But I had know idea it would take more than a year for me to start my tank build thread. That day is finally here!:thumbs:

I have changed my mind a number of times about what my system would look like. Below describes the journey so far.

I started by purchasing my 92G Corner Tank, Stand and Canopy May of last year. I have not painted the back yet.

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After some research and advice it was clear that Tunze is the way to go for many things. All of my purchases were made with the idea that I wanted to buy the right stuff the first time. Whether I have remains to be seen. Only time will tell. I bought the 2x6100 Streams and 7095 Controller for flow and the Osmolator for Auto Topoff.
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I started with the idea of having the sump under my tank. With that in mind I purchased the Euro-Reef RC135 to skim from beneath my tank.

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This ER RC135 is now for sale ($500) due to me changing my mind.:D

Lighting as most of you know is awkward for a 92G Corner tank. I bought an AquaMedic 1x250 T5 Combo light. I'm sure it is only the start. I have since learned of Sfiligoi Lighting and I am setting course. But that will be for another day.
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Of course when you need to be patient time passes. The more time studied the forums the more I dreamed about ideas to deal with the limiting space under my tank. I finally decided that I would not be happy with the sump and complimenting equipment under my tank. I change my mind to create a fish room in my basement. I think this was the first sign of addiction. :crazy:

So it was time to start building my fish room. It is almost directly below my tank. I have calculated the head to be approximately 15~16 feet. Here is the fish room. I have extra space to the left under the staircase for the storage of dry goods. The boards at the bottom outline where my sump will sit. The footprint will be 4'x2'x4'. My sump design is further below. I will put my electrical and shelving above the sump. I will add those pictures when I have completed it.

Front Shot of fish room
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Side shot of the fish room.
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I have plenty of room in here.:yay:

I have been collecting equipment for more than a year now. And since I change my mind about where my sump will be placed I needed to get a bigger skimmer.

So I bought this Deltec AP851 (Notice the nog!) This thing is awesome!
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and 250lbs. of Fiji Live Rock.
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Another shot of the rock
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Right after I committed (or should I say was committed):confused2: to purchasing the AP851 I found a great deal on an AP902. I could not pass it up.

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Then I got the Deltec bug and found the KM500 for my Kalk Stirring needs..
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and the FR509 for Phosphate absorption.
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For my calcium demand I purchased a Geo 618 Calcium Reactor.
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And now for the family shot. Say Hello to my Little Friends!!!:D
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Right now I am using the AP851 to keep my rock clean. I will be starting my tank with the AP902. Once I have determined thta I am comfortable over skimming with AP902 I will probably sell the AP851. When that happens you all will be the first to know.

Here is my sump design. I have not included the top or the frag trays I will be putting into it. I will be placing the order on Monday next week. I expect that it will take at least 3 weeks. I hope not but I am preparing myself to be patient. So I am still probably a month away from having water and rock in my tank.:fish:
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Sump Total is the main sump section plus the return section of the sump.

I will be joining the Neptune Systems Powerbuy this month. I have not completely decided how I will control the system but when I do I will post more in this thread.

I want to close this by saying I have been watching the ARC forums, sitting tanks and absorbing knowledge from a few good friends I have met in the hobby. You guys have been a great help for someone who has never had a tank of either fresh or salt. You have answered many questions an provided many answers. Watching your tanks have also taught me much. To Simon(Simon.Kruger), Mike(Mufret), Mark(MarkV) and Todd(Washowi) I would like to say Thank you very much.:thanks:
dude that is some serious equipment you have there! Everything looks great. Sounds like you are having a fun adventure so far with this. Good luck with everything - I will be following your thread.
That second to last pic is wrong is so many ways... LOL
Congrats on finally getting close to a setup date!
mfinch99 wrote: So I am still probably a month away from having water and rock in my tank.
Yeah... we'll be keeping track of this so you better get busy!

ofcourse, I'm right around the corner so if you want some help with this monster... feel free to contact me.
tsciarini;48339 wrote:
Yeah... we'll be keeping track of this so you better get busy!

I was worried about posting an estimate on dates. Now I feel the pressure.:)

tsciarini;48339 wrote:
ofcourse, I'm right around the corner so if you want some help with this monster... feel free to contact me.

Thanks Tony. I appreciate the offer. Same to you.

dawgdude;48342 wrote: Yeah no kidding you made some great choices on equipment. Looks freaking amazing and you definatly win the award for best documentation and extensive build thread for your equip.

Thanks for the kind remarks dawgdude. Again the results of this thread are a direct result of what I have learned from these forums and the members of the ARC.
Can't wait to see everything up and running! With all of that equipment and the patience you've shown, it can help but be an impressive display.
Looks like it was worth the wait.Very nice equipment you have there. The sump looks very familiar as well.
Yah it looks like Todd's beast of a sump. Very nice collection of equipment. The ap902 cost more than my entire setup :). Are you still using the 92g corner tank for your fish room? Why not maximize the display for the space you've allotted?
Mike, you are the most patient person I know. I am confident that you will become a great reef keeper. I wish you all the best. Continue with the good work.

Thats again for the help yesterday. I really do appreciate it.
Well i am amazed at thed quality of equipment u have...would also like to congradulate u and will be keeping up with thread...
FutureInterest;48429 wrote: Are you still using the 92g corner tank for your fish room? Why not maximize the display for the space you've allotted?

I am still using the 92G Corner tank for my display. Because of where it is located in my family room a rectangular tank would not look as good. But if I am successful and I want to grow I have designed my system and purchased equipment so that if I were going to increase my display I would only have to cut it out and plumb in the new tank. I would have to figure out how to make a non corner tank work in the room though.

Oh I misunderstood. I thought you were putting your display in your "fish room" instead of the living room above. :) Can't wait to see it up and running! G'luck.
Great Stuff!

I think a Giesemann 250W Nova II would light up the back corner of the tank nicely if you need it.

I'll be hooking up that Tunze calcium dispenser to an Osmo. hopefully some time this week. Thanks again.

Can't wait to see pics. of the tank and sump.
Thanks Dakota. I actually am looking for a HQI, T5 and moonlight combo pendant. I am actually investigating the Sfiligoi Infinity XR4 HQI 1 x 400w with T5's and the ACLS Controller. Pretty expensive though.

On another note, I recently placed my sump order with Woody at Precision Custom Aquariums in Ball Ground. I went to his shop and looked at his work. He is a nice guy, does good work and his price was right. I expect to pick it up next Friday. :thumbs:

Getting closer.....
One step closer. I picked up my new 150G Sump. It measures 48Lx24Wx30H. :up: Now I just need to build the stand for it.

Oh yeah. This has also made me decide to upgrade to a 120G tank. Call me crazy.

This thing was made by Woody at Precision Custom Aquariums.
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The price I was quoted for the larger one was more than I wanted to spend. So I modified it and placed the order. Besides, this is more than enough for my setup anyways. I'm glad it turned out this way. It is more manageable, easier to clean and a decent height.