230 Gallon System (92G Corner Tank) Build w/PICS

simply amazing , i cant wait to see it all up and running. Are you doing a fuge or a UV sterilizer ??

I am planning on having live rock in the center of the sump. Not sure if I will put in macro in it at this point. I also plan on running ozone.
Are you at work today or are you working from home. Come over and I'd like to show you my design for my new tank.
Before I get to the funs stuff. I decided to keep the 92 Corner. I was really trying to force a 120G in a spot where it would have looked like a just found a spot that i would fit rather than accent the room. I am so glad that decision is over.

I have not purchased my final lighting yet but I will in the next few weeks. For now, I am using the Aqua Medic 1x250/T5 Combo Unit.

Well, I finally have water circulating in my system now. Thanks Simon for all your help! Aquascaping is complete and I like the look. Hard to see with all that cloudiness. But it is nice. As promised, here are some updated pics.

After I was done washing up I noticed what looked like a spider running around on the sand bed. It turned out to be a hermit without it's shell. Well my wife and kids went through the seashells they had collected on the shores in the past. My daughter eventually had 3 shells that we would try.

I dropped the shells into the tank and in less than a minute the hermit came out of his hiding place and started testing them out. He hopped into the first one and performed a dance to see how comfortable it felt. He quickly retracted himself into the shell to see how well he could become invisible. Then he started sizing up the second shell and flipping over into a position he could swap in. Then he jumped into the second shell and performed the same ritual. After thoroughly testing it out he decided that it was the one for him. Then like Ricochet Rabbit (bing, bing, bing....) he was off an running. My wife and kids have named him "Prince".

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Although my fish room is not complete it is starting to take shape. Here is the cloudy sump.

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Now for today's pictures. The cloudiness has gone and you can see the aquascaping is mountainous and has plenty of caves.
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Now for the clear pics of the fish room.

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At this point the only thing plumbed in is the return(Sequence Tarpon) and the AP851. I did not go to the AP902 yet since it is too much at the moment.

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Now just a few more weeks and tweaks and I will start adding some livestock.
Nice system........call me if ya need me...I am ther for ya at anytime my friend
Lookin good man. On thing what's all that white stuff under the rocks. LOL Great job man!!!
looks sweet i like the aquascaping why do you have the vortech in your sump??
Your 92 looks fantastic!

All of your quality equipment makes my 92 with everything crammed under the stand look a little whimpy.

I really like the aquascaping. And your rock looks really good right off the bat. I guess its been curing a good long while. My base rock is going to take a long time to look like that.

Congrats, and enjoy it!
Thanks everyone for the kind remarks. It has taken some time to get here. Although I am still a few weeks away from the dust settling I am closer. My wife has been pretty good about the whole thing. We have been married for some time and she knows that once I put my mind to something it is extremely difficult to stop me.

Alan, I'm not quite sure I am ready for BB yet.

Chris, I do not have the waterline in the sump where I want it. So to keep the water moving I put in the Vortech.

Simon, It is as we left it. I have a spot of aptasia so I will have to move the top layer since it is on a bottom rock under 3 huge pieces.
Great looking set up! Woody did a great job on your sump! Equipment is sweet! :thumbs:
Still have some plumbing to do. RO/DI, Auto Topoff, Ca Reactor,Kalkwasser Stirrer. I am waiting for plumbing parts I purchased from Savko.

But, I finally have fish. I bought the following from Marine Fish.

For the Main display
2 x Mated Ocellaris Clowns
1 x Royal Gramma

For the sump

2 x Blue Devil Damsels

There was no way I was going to put the Damsels in my main tank.

I will provide updated pics shortly.
Very Nice Mike. The tank is looking great.I like the light output in the tank,there is a nice shimmer. So your planning on using more light?
mfinch99;68173 wrote:

There was no way I was going to put the Damsels in my main tank.

I wish someone would have gave me a heads up on that with my first tank.It took me moving to a new house to get rid of those darn yellow tail damsels.They are so tough to catch.
Fished mine out with a line and hook--not a problem at all--at least not after I cought every other fish in my tank...