230 Gallon System (92G Corner Tank) Build w/PICS

James, Eventually(in a month or so) I will be replacing my lighting with Sfiligoi <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #000060;">
mfinch99;68183 wrote: James, Eventually(in a month or so) I will be replacing my lighting with Sfiligoi <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #000060;">http://www.aquariumobsessed.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=AO&Product_Code=SF-INF1x400-4xT5&Category_Code=SFMH">Infinity XR4 HQI 1 x 400w with T5</a></span></span></span>. I will purchase the <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #000060;">[IMG]http://www.aquariumobsessed.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=AO&Product_Code=SF-ACLS400&Category_Code=SFLX">Sfiligoi ACLS 400W</a></span></span></span> at a later date. Pretty costly but I think it is the best lighting for my tank and where I want to go with it.[/QUOTE]

You wont regret that decision.Top notch stuff!
Awesome looking light fixture. Would love to see PAR rating on it. I'd go 10K if I was you, but its your call.
Purple tint = 420 nm -------> More flouresence
Blue tint = 450~470 nm

German bulbs seem to be the way to go.
ATI makes a blueplus bulb for 450nm
and Geissman makes a nice true actinic 03(420nm).

I use a set of both on my 180 to supplement my BLV14k halides(which are really just 10k).


Check out reefgeek.com
It has been awhile since I posted some pics. So here are some updated pics. All of the fish names were given by my children. So I guess that makes them accepted. :fish:

Take a guess what the kids named this guy......yep Dori.

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Dori and Banana
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Banana the Flagfin Angel
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Perky the Coral Beauty
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This is Monsi (Short for Monster) The family though he was ugly at first now they like him the best.
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More shots....
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That's one nice setup. Keep the pics coming of the build and livestock.

Nice hammer coral, it's one of my favorite LPS.
Thanks Chris.

TriGa22, A few reasons.

1. More water volume the easier it is too maintain stability and prevents big swings in salinity, temp, ph, etc.
2. I have more space for water volume in my basement then I do upstairs in my tank.
3. When I upgrade to a 120 or 180 I will only need to purchase the tank since everything else can handle a larger tank.
mfinch99;81199 wrote: 3. When I upgrade to a 120 or 180 I will only need to purchase the tank since everything else can handle a larger tank.

psssssst.... when you get ready for that upgrade, I want dips on that 92g corner!!!

tank is looking awesome!
mfinch99;81199 wrote: Thanks Chris.

TriGa22, A few reasons.

1. More water volume the easier it is too maintain stability and prevents big swings in salinity, temp, ph, etc.
2. I have more space for water volume in my basement then I do upstairs in my tank.
3. When I upgrade to a 120 or 180 I will only need to purchase the tank since everything else can handle a larger tank.
Way to think ahead!