420g system fish list!

hippo tang
unicorn tang
purple tang
powder brown tang
sailfin tang
achilies tang
yellow tang
Foxface Lo
Read Hed Solon Fairy Wrasse
Ruby head Fairy Wrasse
Labout's Fairy Wrasse
McCoskers Flasher Wrasse trio 1 male 2 female
Longfin Fairy Wrasse trio 1 male 2 female
3x pearly head jawfish (the tank is 6 ft. long so they should be ok together)
pair of oceallaris clownfish
pair of 1 picosso clown fish with 1 naked clownfish
diamond watchmen goby
engineer goby
orange spotted goby
yellow watchmen goby
2 purple firefish
2 firefish
3x curiouse worm fish
sissor tail dart fish
3x bangii cardinal
3x pj cardinal
3x blue chromis
midas blenny
lawmower blenny
stripped blenny pair
group of bartletts anthias

Also the tank is filling up with water so in about a week it will be completly full!!!:yay:
Wait! You may need to revise again. There's no way (well I'm sure someone has done it, but I wouldn't advise it) a purple and a yellow will go together---BIG problems, especially with all those tangs. I would limit the number of tangs for sure. If a fish (tang in this case) has the same outline, that usually means they are not compatible...i.e. yellow and purple tangs have the same shape. While you do have a large tank, I would not recommend this for anyone.
I think you forgot one! <span style="color: #ffa500">Jee needs a big home too!:sad: </span>

Nice list imo. Now place them in the order that they should go into the tank.
How long do you think it will take you to introduce everything to the tank?
I'll re-iterate this:

hippo tang - family Paracanthurus
unicorn tang
purple tang - family Zebrasoma
powder brown tang - family Acanthurus
sailfin tang - family Zebrasoma
achilies tang - family Acanthurus
yellow tang - family Zebrasoma

Not sure on the Unicorn, but IMO the unicorn will be the largest of all and I think you should avoid it.

The ones with the same family names will fight, to reduce the tension add them all at the same time. But chances are something will die. And to be perfectly honest the Achilles isn't a good choice because they are so finicky. The purple tang as has been said before, will kill any other zebrasoma eventually.
I have 5 tangs in a 215, you could easily do 7 or 8 tangs in a 400. The key is to do different genuses. I have two zebrasomas (yellow and purple) and they are the only ones who bicker really, but not that bad. You'd probably want a nice UV with a list of tangs like that though. I disagree with whoever it was saying the fish will inevitably kill each other? There are just too many variables to say they will definitely kill each other....Tangs can be quite peaceful if they are fat and content.....The things that pop out to me, I think the genus Naso should be kept to much larger aquariums and eels seem problematic to me with some of the smaller fish you listed.....Also if your looking at adding an acantharus, I'd suggest an achilles or a powder blue they are just beautiful fish that are hard to top, hell patrick at marine fish had 3 acantharus in a 100 sometin gallon tank living peacefully, so to say something is impossible or will undoubtedly end with the fish dying is inaccurate and presumptious in my opinion. The rock structure does seem to be a concern though if its blocking alot of space, Tangs love having room, I designed a hollow rock structure to help give space to the fish under and around the rock structure, and i feel like this is one of the best decisions i made with my tank. As long as you are responsible in researching the animals requirements my advice to you would be to chose the fish you want, picking the animals you enjoy to watch is what makes this hobby fun, and thats what your decisions should be based on istead of what others tell you can and cannot be done.
Also as steve said, the tangs should really all be added together or as close as possible. It really helps with aggression....adding tangs after one is established and has developed lordship can become problematic. Adding them in groups works too if you want to avoid adding too much livestock at once... Also, if you do decide to do two of the same genus, itd probably be a good idea to make sure theyre added at the same time.
Fish Scales2;252278 wrote: I think you forgot one! <span style="color: #ffa500">Jee needs a big home too!:sad: </span>

Nice list imo. Now place them in the order that they should go into the tank.
How long do you think it will take you to introduce everything to the tank?

I think right after the last fish goes in it will be time for me to sell everything and go to collage! I didn't put Jee on the list because I have experience with him and he won't cause any problems.
With the rockwork problem The rock has lots of holes that open up and lead out some where else So I don't think the tang will have a problem aslong as it goes through the holes (the holes are big) Also I think every one is speaking from their experience and each fish is different. Someone may have a yellow and a purple tang that killed eachother, but another person may have them coexisting pretty well. Also I don't plan to have a lot of coral in for the first year so If they cant get along I will beable to get one out easier. So I will add the yellow tang and the purple tang close the the end of that year so I will have atleast a month befor I put corals in to see if there are any problems. I do have a UV sterilizer so that will help alot. Also the only reason my younger sister is slightly interested (not the one on here who is nature1000 the one younger one that does not have an account) is because we can put dori in the tank. I think that I should atleast try because I would like molly to get into this hobby. Asfor the unicorn tang I know they get huge but I am prepared that if it gets to big for the aqaruim I will donate it to the Georgia Aquarim or some place with large tanks that will take him/her. As far as the yellow tang goes I thought that that would be a good tang to start with because they are so widley avalible in all different sizes. I would like to start with a medium yellow tang to get used to taking care of one. If that will be a problem and I should get a different tang to start lmk.

Really the tangs that are my favorites are the unicorn tang, purple tang, powder brown tang, and hippo tang. The rest are close seconds, so If I have to take some of my list it will be the yellow, achillies, and sailfin. but if atall possible I'd like to have those in the tank.
Diane, If you want to see my tank, you are welcome to. I have 5 chromis you can have for free. They swim out front all the time and are schooling :)
LDYBKR;252327 wrote: Diane, If you want to see my tank, you are welcome to. I have 5 chromis you can have for free. They swim out front all the time and are schooling :)
Ok, thanks! I have to make sure every thing is right with the tank first though. I should beable to add them by the January meeting.
Diane you are going to love the jawfish. I have one and he provides hours of entertainment every day. :)
Just my 2 cents.
I have a:
Kole 4"
Naso 4"
Yellow 4"
Orange shoulder 3"
Acillies 8 1/2"
All in a 240 with no problems at all.
Hey Crazy-seems like you've got a lot of knowledge-you aren't any kin to that "reefer29' kid are you?
Crazylikeafox;252347 wrote: Watch the Orange Shoulder when he gets to about 8" he will start his aggressive behavior.

On a note, I am from europe and in general we have very different views about the fish which are commonly mixed. I think that the suggests being made here are rather bold and will be the unkown origin of much fish stress and problems in the long term. Also, the American names are very different from everything I am used to, I am much more proficient with their latin names.

Fish have latin names? Like Caesar? Or Julius?

A friend of mine has a cat that has seizures and she named it Julius Seizure. :lol2:
Crazylikeafox;252347 wrote:
On a note, I am from europe and in general we have very different views about the fish which are commonly mixed. I think that the suggests being made here are rather bold and will be the unkown origin of much fish stress and problems in the long term. Also, the American names are very different from everything I am used to, I am much more proficient with their latin names.

how are bagels in europe? :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: