$5 ricordia


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I found an obscure pet shop with unexperienced employees and incriminating prices.
Here are the offenses:

They sell 6 headed aquacultured Hammer coral for $30

ricordia + fire red mushrooms for $5 per polyp

large (3'' x 4'') lime green montipora and acro frags for $10-$15.

Flame + Long nose hawk for $20.

the wrap sheet goes on and on

Am I the only the that knows about this???
man, i'm afraid to say... But if you want something, I'll pick it up for you and you can just pay for it (I'll furnish the receipt). I'm going Monday, because that is when they get their new stock, I just buy everything good that they get. PM me for contact.
<span style="color: black;">The point is to get feed back from others to see whether this is normal or an oddity that I may want to keep to myself &#8211; since demand does affect price- and if it occurs elsewhere in other stores which I may not have, but willing to visit. </span>
well anyways it's the one of the fish store that does not have a name, it's in Newnan. going south on 34 after you pass all the big stores, on the left hand side. I'll get you guys a name on monday.
leveldrummer;35714 wrote: lol, its east on 34, its called "fish garden" and they are nice people. unless your talking about a different one.

Andy He said going south on 34, He is coming from fayetteville, recon he is talking about wild kingdom. If he is talking about the fish garden he will be in for a big surprise when he gets there on monday!!!LOL
If IT is The Fish Garden, they are ARC Sponsors. See http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=230">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=230</a> to confirm that we are talking about the same store.

yea me too. They always drift to the back of the tank, which is almost impossible to get out.
I stopped in the Fish Garden today and the guy was really good to deal with...His partner was on vacation so he was doing it all himself and still had a lot a patience with all my questions.

I asked if he was still a sponsor and he said he has not heard from anyone in ARC since he had a late night ARC get together. He gave me the discount but it sounded like no one is letting them know who is a member.
it's not the fish garden.

last rics they had were orange yumas and blue yumas.

they were like 15-20 bucks a piece. nice color and size tho.

they don't have any more right now and it's just because it took FOREVAAR for them to sell....
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same goes for anything nice in there... there were like 10 3x3 colored milli colonies for 40-50 bucks and they all sat there for like 2 months.
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oh yeah.... if you want the reef club member discount or whatever just say something and you'll more than likely get it no questions asked ..... dude behind the counter will prolly just say "word" apply it to the ticket ask about your tank and then try to buy/trade for any sps corals you might be keepin in it ...... that's ussually how it goes down at least....