65 gal on second floor? and fish list.


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alright so long story short i am moving into an appartment soon.
I have a 65 gal, currently not set up(waiting to move first) with a 29 gal sump.
If I were to put the tank in a corner, do you think it will be too much weight? it will be on the second floor of an apartment.---I really want/need to know!

okay I want to name some fish thank I want, It may be too many but im just thinking about my options right now and I have some questions.

fish I already have:
black and white clown with 2 chromis.

lion fish-can I get one? will they eat my fish? reef safe? and what if it touches me? I like the blackfoot lionfish but I want to look into a red fuzzy.
spotted sweetlips- there doesnt seem to be a lot of info on these. But i like them. Ive seen one in a guys 75 before.
anthia- some sort, not sure which kind I would like.
diamond goby
puffer- site says the they arent reef safe, but in the the background I see corals....I was thinking hawaiian spotted?

I may ask about some more fish, I really want to know if I can have my tank on a second floor.
and about the fish, these are only fish I am interested in. So im just looking for info, and that isnt nessarily how many fish I want, I do not know how much would be too much.
No problem at all. Think of it this way... a couple of fat folks in a love seat is more weight on the floor than a 65g tank. Floors can withstand MUCH more weight than that unless they're built out of Tinker Toys. For example my 90/30 sump is over a full basement, which is the same thing. I've had me (215#) plus two other big guys standing right by it many times; the people alone are about the weight of your 65 full of water.

As for the fish, I only have a little input.
Lion: Yes, it will eat some fish. Yes, if you touch it you'll wish you hadn't.
Puffer: I think (operative word) that puffers aren't considered reef safe because they will eat your CUC.

Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
do you know if a lot of land lords aloud fish?
lion fish, will I be in the hospital?
and if I keep it well fed will it eat my fish?

im going to pass on the puffer, I was going to either have a puffer or lionfish...im going with the lion.
mopar9012;340236 wrote:
lion fish, will I be in the hospital?
and if I keep it well fed will it eat my fish?

You will be in the ER.

It will eat anything smaller than it's mouth, no matter how much you feed it. One night we put in 2 large coral banded shrimp. He had them for dessert after we fed him dinner.

My husband was stung by our lion fish after many years with it when he stuck his hand in the tank to move a decoration. The ER doc said "It's NORMALLY not deadly."
mopar9012;340276 wrote: so about the lionfish, do they try to sting you?

YES, THEY DO. If it's in the tank and it's moving, it's a lionfish target.

Oh, and BTW, have you done ANY research on that Sweetlips? You plan on putting THAT fish in a 65?????? LOL.
tokejr;340277 wrote: YES, THEY DO. If it's in the tank and it's moving, it's a lionfish target.

Oh, and BTW, have you done ANY research on that Sweetlips? You plan on putting THAT fish in a 65?????? LOL.

i see.
no i don't plan on it.......now. I just did some they get big.
but where I picked up my live rock from the guy had one in his 75. thats why I wanted to ask...
mopar9012;340295 wrote: i see.
no i don't plan on it.......now. I just did some they get big.
but where I picked up my live rock from the guy had one in his 75. thats why I wanted to ask...

A sweetlips gets up to 3 feet long.

And, will likely eat the lionfish, eventually.
65 galls will be 100% fine... I'll use a 60g as an example... 24x24x24 tank, water, rock stand and lights... let's say that it weighs in at 1000 pounds... That's only 1.74 pounds per square inch...
Oh I forgot to mention.... I'm putting my 93 with 30-40 gallon sump on the second floor...
awesome, its a relief to know.
I just hope the land lord will be okay with it. i will have to call them tomorrow.

Not sure if im going to get a lionfish as of I have no insurance!!!

I am also planning on doing a 65 gallon tank setup on the second floor of my home! I am still in the planning phase of this project; however, I have dome some research on this very topic.

A 65 gallon, glass tank will weigh around 680 lbs. When you include the sump, equipment, and stand, this can run around 900 lbs (this will obviously vary depending on what you have). The weight distribution will depend on the dimensions of your tank, however you should not have any trouble installing a tank of that size in your apartment.

Again, I am constructing a 65 gallon tank of my own, and would love to see some pictures of your setup!

dawgdude;340460 wrote: Make VERY sure you get renter insurance and that it does not exclude floods due to fish tanks. I took out a policy because with the couple hundred gallons in my apt, one large tank breaking would be thousands of dollars in structural damage.

Most apartments have something stated in their contract that you will not have a large fish tank. I wouldn't mention it to the leasing office.
I think the insurance comment referred to getting stung.
Get a dwarf lion.
mopar9012;340555 wrote: do they sting?

When keeping this species, it is important to remember that the Dwarf Lionfish is venomous and can deliver an extremely painful sting. The pain can go on for several hours, and if you are allergic you might develop a serious reaction to the venom. Be very careful when carrying out maintenance work in the aquarium. (It is easy to forget how much pain this timid little creature can inflict and become sloppy after a while.) If you are stung, place the inflicted area in really hot water, as hot as you can stand without getting burned, and seek immediate medical attention.

I realize you are very young, but I cannot caution you strong enough to steer clear of these fish. They require excellent care, live foods and are dangerous to keep. ESPECIALLY if you are going on to college and will be living in multiple person housing. Remember that roommates can do really stupid things sometimes and they won't have your knowledge and experience.

I've been doing the salt thing on and off for about 35 years. I had a lion about 20 years ago (my wife posted about it
'tokejr"). They are really cool but are not the easiest fish to keep and can sting baddddd!. I had mine for 3 1/2 years in a 20g long by himself (he ate everything else. I fed him normal marine freeze dried, frozen and flake food, oh yeh twice a week about 4 to 5 small goldfish and or guppies. I was worjing on tank one evening, he would always go to the other side of the tank, but I took my eyes off the tank to look at TV for 5 seconds and felt him go by stinging my finger with his dorsal fin (3 pricks). Within minutes I broke into a cold sweat and actually could see a red line going up my arm. I have never felt such pain in my life. BTW, I've had open heart surgery (Quad bypass) and the sting is up there with the pain. Poison control called ahead to the hospital the doctor was ready for me in the ER, more ready to make fun of me. I told him to #@?&. LOL now. Anyway he had me place my hand in as hot of water I could stand (it was actually cool) then shot me up with 75 mg of demeral. I still hurt but after the drugs didn't really care. It took about a week for the swelling to go down and about 3 - 5 days till it stopped hurting. Dwarf will get you too. I am going to set up what I call a predator tank with a dwarf lion, puffer and huma trigger soon. No corals or critters they will eat. There are a lot of cool fish you can get but for now I would recommend staying away from the lion. Go to some of the websites that sell fish and read about the size, compatability care etc. A little research now will keep you clear of a lot of grief down the road. Most of the ARC vendors are pretty good about info. One thing to remember when you ask any LFS is they are in business to make money and may not be totally up front if you really incist on buying something. The most honest I have personnaly done business with is CHRIS at Fishscales. He may not have the prettiest store but will not sell you something just to make the sale. He also gives ARC members 20% off.

Hope this helps. If you get it started right you will be much happier and enjoy your tank insted of working on it all the time. Read as much as you can and don't ever be afraid to ask questions. The people on this board are more than happy to answer and help you.
okay, no lionfish for me. I am 100% confident that i can keep him alive, but rfor right now Im going to pass on that kind of fish.
I called the apartments today, what do ya know they wont answer.
tons of people are saying a 65 is no biggie on a second floor.
I look at it this way, add up all the furniture, tv, refridgerator, etc and thats a lot of weight.

I think im going to sneak the tank in though.