Accidentally Wild Caught Fish ID?

the curious

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I went camping on one of the smaller islands of the Georgia Barrier Islands in February. I and the few people who rented the island with me have camped there every February for the last 5 years, and with no one living on the small island, we have been able to notice Mother Nature's influence over the beach dynamics over the years. We think that the large tide-pool, which has not been there in previous years, had been created by Hurricane Sandy. Regardless, it was full of life :D.

Anyway...I brought back a couple gnarly pieces of driftwood, a little bit of sand, and a jar full of pods and algae. Everything obviously went directly into its own QT tank when I got home. A couple days afterwards I was checking on the QT and something moved much faster than any pod I've ever seen, so I looked a lil closer and saw my hitchhiker for the first time. :up:

I have no idea what he is, but he eats flake foods like he has been eating them his whole life. He has seriously eaten any and everything I have offered him...which is awesome. I moved him into my 5 gallon, which he is now the sole occupant of. If anyone has a clue what this lil dude is, it would be greatly appreciated. I know that I saw shoals consisting of hundreds of these guys in the tide-pool...if that helps at all.
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Really Cool! No idea what is is though, sorry. Would like more info on your 5 gallon though!
Every year we receive "donations" of accidental hermit crabs... people pick shells off the beaches and one has an occupant :)

Yep, some sort of goby.

Curtismaximus;861467 wrote: Really Cool! No idea what is is though, sorry. Would like more info on your 5 gallon though!

I just converted a Fluval Spec5 from a freshwater planted tank to a pico reef a couple weeks ago. The freshwater inhabitants got bumped up to a 10 gallon in front of a window, using sunlight instead of artificial light...we'll see how that does. I removed the stock light and replaced it with a Marineland reef capable 21watt fixture. Its the 18"-24" one and for this purpose I couldn't ask for anything better. Its bright, sleek, fits over the Spec5 like a dream...I dig it. For livestock, I just have a 2-3" black sandbed, filter compartment full of live rock, a few different kinds of macro-algae, and a few softies...oh...and my new lil goby:up:. I'll get a picture of how its coming along in a few hours when I get home.

OH yeah...when he first got put in the tank he went mad eating algae off the glass and rocks. :yay:
barry_keith;861586 wrote: Very cool! I have one that's very similar, maybe the exact same. Caught him last year in grass flats near Sarasota. I'm pretty sure it's called a code or signal goby. I don't see him very but he's gotten much larger and fatter!"></a>
It looks like its the "code goby". Can't say 100%, but thank you so much for leading me in the right direction barry_keith. How big has your guy gotten so far?

So I got home and went to snap a pic of the tank...and I couldn't find the lil dude anywhere. After a good 2 minutes of looking (in a 5 gallon tank), I saw him perched up top like he owned the place. :D
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Nice. Looks like a Code goby to me........Gobiosoma robustum. Where'd you catch him?
Thanks guys...he has been upstairs in QT and I never really just sat and watched him for very long. Now that he is in my kitchen :D, I see him all the time, and he is a pretty hilarious lil goby. I'm thinking about upgrading the pump in the Spec5 and seeding a bunch of pods into the filtration compartment. I've got a few projects to take care of on the 90 gallon first though.

Patrick;861747 wrote: Nice. Looks like a Code goby to me........Gobiosoma robustum. Where'd you catch him?
You know man, He may very well be a Gobiosoma robustum. On the Smithsonian's database they gave it a range that did not go north of FL, which is what made me think he might not be a Gobiosoma robustum. But the earth changes pretty rapidly, and they might have migrated north a bit. I am positive that it is in the genus Gobiosoma. There are just many different species in the genus Gobiosoma that look incredibly similar and can only be 100% identified by counting the number of rays in their fins.

Honestly, I am happy that I even know what he is down to the genus. Apparently most all species from this genus do very well in captivity too:thumbs:.

As far as where I caught him...its near Cumberland Island.