Advice on fin rot?


oceandeep85;975174 wrote:
i think it's the tone here that a lot of folks use that gets people riled up. Words words words
just be cool, everyone.

McPhock;975368 wrote: ^^^^


Apparently the call to neutrality and mutual respect was lost anyhow.. so, I gave up. If you want to whine, then that's the response you're going to get.
For what my opinion is worth, which is precisely 0, you do seem a bit combative towards advice that you should hear but don't appear to want to.

In any event, we'll get your tank through this. You're going through the same issues that every single one of us went through when we started. That's why some of us, myself included, are very direct in providing advice.
no, dude. that's what I'm trying to get some folks to understand. Further, why can I not ask questions and submit ideas and alternate courses of action? I never once suggested anyone was wrong here. At all. Of course I'm combative when I feel like the advice is coming in a rather 'holier-than-thou' tone... So you've been keeping fish alive for 40 years. Awesome. That's why I'm asking you for advice, not judgement.

You know WHY I seem combative? Because the top answers I always seem to get from some of the same folks are 1) buy a bigger tank, 2) should have bought a bigger tank, 3) you're being intentionally careless and harmful, 4) Take my advice because I'm the only one who knows everything and there is no other way. Sorry if I feel a little backed into a corner and need to defend myself a bit. Perhaps many of the more 'experienced' fishkeepers here aren't at all aware of how their 'advice' comes across to noobs who DO have good intentions and DO mean well. Everyone takes it as some slap in the face when you don't just run right out and take their advice as gospel. Many of the mistakes I've made are BECAUSE of the fact that I've trusted what folks have told me outright. I'm just trying to be thorough, not combative.

It gets old. really. really. really old- to the point where I'll just figure this sh*t out on my own and keep utilizing poor advice I find in dark corners of the internet.
If you're going to do that, try"></a>

They're my go to, and daily read. With a forum, you never know the knowledge level of the person responding. That place is run by veterans with decades in the biz... some are even doctors in marine biology. Unless I know the person responding to me, I'll take WWM's advice every time.
McPhock;975378 wrote: If you're going to do that, try"></a>

They're my go to, and daily read. With a forum, you never know the knowledge level of the person responding. That place is run by veterans with decades in the biz... some are even doctors in marine biology. Unless I know the person responding to me, I'll take WWM's advice every time.[/QUOTE]

now, THAT, is very sound, thoughtful and helpful advice, McPhock. Thank you. I really do appreciate it.
OceanDeep85;975364 wrote: Um. Ok?

No butthurt here. I've run successful reefs for years. You haven't. Just ignore my advice. You are the all knowing all seeing guy. You have a plan for it all. Enjoy your reef. I hope you prove us all wrong and things only go up from here
OceanDeep85;975376 wrote: 1) buy a bigger tank, 2) should have bought a bigger tank, 3) you're being intentionally careless and harmful, 4) Take my advice because I'm the only one who knows everything and there is no other way.

I've contributed to at least 3 of your threads. The Games Begin, this one, and one where you asked about canister filters.

At NO point did I ever suggest ANY of those things.

If you interpreted it that way, that is unfortunate. I believe if you read my responses again with the mindset that they are meant to be helpful, you will see that #4 is quite to the contrary.

I'm out... there are other threads and other hobbyists to chat with.

If I may, I will give a little advice that may help more than you imagine. You are welcome to ignore it if you like. Matters not to me.

1. Ask your question but make it clear you would like opposing opinions. In doing so you will learn two important things. First you will learn what sounds right and what doesn't quite jive. Helps you make an informed decision. Second, you start to learn who it is that really knows their stuff and who doesn't.

2. Make people feel as if you appreciate the advice they give even if you don't follow it. Most of these people are not egotistical enough to expect everyone to do what they say. Well everyone but Ralph. Hehehehehe

3. Become a part if the "community". Chat with people a bit. Poke fun at people now and than (especially Ralph). :) Become a friend and you will be amazed what these folks will do for you. I could name 20 or 30 generous things that have been done for me just by the people who have posted here in this thread. Some you wouldn't believe.

At any rate, let me start off on a better foot than I did earlier in this thread. My name is Rich, I am glad you are here and I will help you if I can. What I ask in return is for you to keep an open mind and be kind and helpful to all you meet on this forum. You will reap big rewards if you do.
Oh sure, Rich, you had to bring Ralph into it.... sheesh.... :doh:

Go back to your mustard dosing, will ya?

On a serious note, Rich makes good points.

JennM;975507 wrote: Oh sure, Rich, you had to bring Ralph into it.... sheesh.... :doh:

Go back to your mustard dosing, will ya?

On a serious note, Rich makes good points.


I haven't had good points in years. I am mostly round. :)
rdnelson99;975516 wrote: I haven't had good points in years. I am mostly round. :)

There's a pill for that....

(We are treading in dangerous territory, methinks.)

I believe your problem is the high nitrates. Ask me how I know as I have been through this!
Bob Betzel;976024 wrote: I believe your problem is the high nitrates. Ask me how I know as I have been through this!

I did treat ONCE with kanaplex, but I'm not sure that was the remedy. I did a few water changes and it's been a swift and smooth road to total recovery. Damsel looks as if nothing ever happened.