Aiptasia Control: Berghia Nudibranches


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I have heard from several sources that a good control for aiptasia is the Berghia Nudibranch! I found a site that sells Berghia and I purchased 3. I have re-occuring aiptasia and I am getting tired of using "Joe's Juice" every few weeks. It kills most but they seem to reproduce faster than I can kill them. I'll let everyone know how it goes with the Berghia. I might buy some to raise and sell also, guess that will be a choice after I see how good they do on aiptasia.:D

I have heard of other reef clubs in the past buying these and then just passing them around from individual to individual because they only eat aptasia. Good luck
It is not as easy as it sounds. You'll need to start a specific colony tank of aiptasia for culturing these critters. Most people are probably thinking what I thought originally, "yeah, right, like thats hard", but it is much harder than prospected. Otherwise, everyone would be culturing these things.

What size tank are they going into? How bad is the infestation? I have read that they are good at eating it, but more often than not, are utterly overwhelmed as aquarists expect too much. They should be in heavy densities to help to eliminate aiptasia.

Personally, peppermint shrimp have done the job for me, and are much more resilient. I added about 2 dozen to my 210, and fed the fish quite lightly for about 10 days. They did work, and have reduced the aiptasia about 95%. Now, there is much less aiptasia, but I also feed more heavily, so the shrimp will consume the food rather than the aiptasia. If the problem blooms again, I will just need to cut feeding again, and I dont expect any problems. Berghia cant do this- they will only eat aiptasia, so once its gone, they will die.

Good luck though, and pleasekeep us updated.
it is a lil difficult to raise them, I know someone on the reef tank who decided to raise them, did pretty well to my knowledge but ran out of food for them. Yes they are amazing at ridding the tank of these pests, but might not be best solution for the money. Vinegar has always worked for me.
I've also herd of using Kalkwasser. Mark your brutal! I have one in my tank but i'm afraid if I do anything to it it might spread. So far its just one. Should I leave it alone or inject it?
take the rock out that its on, inject it outside of the tank, wait a lil bit after it looks like its dying and scrub that area of the rock really well, and if you feel like it, follow up with a freshwater rinse. Take care of it now so it doesnt spread.
flyingarmy wrote: I have heard from several sources that a good control for aiptasia is the Berghia Nudibranch! I found a site that sells Berghia and I purchased 3. I have re-occuring aiptasia and I am getting tired of using "Joe's Juice" every few weeks. It kills most but they seem to reproduce faster than I can kill them. I'll let everyone know how it goes with the Berghia. I might buy some to raise and sell also, guess that will be a choice after I see how good they do on aiptasia.:D


I got some from They gave me a LOT of good advice before I bought them. Also, there is an article on raising them in Reefkeeping Mag


Keep us posted!

Yeah I dont think it will do anything to my 75 gallon. I mean you don't have to like add a gallon of lemon juice lol.
I just use reef calcium and pur it on them. It always works for me. Good luck!
Anyone know if the usual methods for Aptasia will work on Curly Cue Anemones? I picked up a hitcher somewhere.
They're in the same family- Aiptasiidae. So give it a try if it's not very big
They arrive today and I'll acclimate them and get them in the reef this afternoon. I'll let everyone know how it goes. And if the Berghia do waht they are supposed to do and get rid of my aptasia and their food source, I'll definitely pass them on to someone else in lieu of letting them starve to death. Maybe I could start a "rent a berghia" business. J/K!:tongue:
Will they be able to handle the flow of a reef tank?
You may want to cover your powerhead intakes.
The Berghia Nudibranches arrived right before lunch. I read the acclimation instructions and I had already read the sites acclimation guidelines. They arrived in great shape and were honestly bigger than I thought they would be since they expel water during shipment. Here is a picture during acclimation:" alt="" />

They were not that eager to let go of the bag and from everything I had read they are very soft bodied and can easily be harmed if touched. I used a syringe to blow water underneath them to dislodge them from the bag. All my powerheads/pumps were off (including the lights) and I placed them in a group on one of my LR that has the worst infestation of aiptasia. Pictured here:

[IMG]" alt="" />

I will take a picture in a few weeks at the same spot to show (hopefully) the progress of the Berghia. They quickly moved into the crevaces, and one even stopped at a small aiptasia and started to eat. Hopefully they will be worth the cost!
Yesterday I shot mine with lemon Juice and he didn't like it so I think it worked. My zoanthids next door didn't like it eaither I had to blow them with water!
Has anyone tried vinegar? I am sure that will work just like lemon juice, but be careful.

I used some stuff... blue vision or something. Very cool stuff. worked great